Message from @Smash Boy

Discord ID: 799699926950084638

2021-01-15 16:29:08 UTC  

They can be voted out now though. They just keep running for office and the media still lies about who is corrupt

2021-01-15 16:29:34 UTC  

Who knows at this point?!

2021-01-15 17:41:01 UTC  

Lay it to rest, man. They won't listen. They still think America is a country of laws.

Biden patriot <:KEK:795742276549607456> <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-15 17:43:16 UTC  

@A1CHallman.S What do you think about america having an emergency king?

Yall know chaz left the group <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-15 17:44:15 UTC  

And became chap.

He stil in the server<:ScreamingLiberal:720120350947541065>

2021-01-15 17:48:55 UTC  

So a democrat has resigned from the HoR

2021-01-15 17:49:19 UTC  

Surprised im not seeing anyone reporting it tho

2021-01-15 17:50:55 UTC  

this is why we need to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure

2021-01-15 17:51:05 UTC

2021-01-15 17:54:32 UTC  

I'd rather not have a king. All the power held by one person is not a good idea. Starts as an emergency and ends with a dictatorship. However a monarchy is a valid form of government if they are good. History just proves that it doesn't stay that way. Our form of government is supposed to prevent tyrany. Problem is they want to change the rules. What our founding fathers created needed some tweaking but it does work. Primarily because it allows for amendment. But when politicians twist the constitution or disregard it completely and do their own thing it is not effective

2021-01-15 17:55:06 UTC  

It's @Smash Boy 's idea he'll tell you all about it

2021-01-15 17:56:58 UTC  

Well it's not a great idea. Lol

2021-01-15 17:57:33 UTC  

I said the same but he called me out for it lol

2021-01-15 17:59:01 UTC  

To each his own but exchanging one form of tyrany for another seems a bit ineffective

2021-01-15 18:00:06 UTC  

Then spank Jefferson in the face. Jefferson literally signed an act in 1807 that practically speaking, makes him an emergency ruler.

2021-01-15 18:00:10 UTC  

I want to fight to avoid big government not embrace a king just he happens to align with my interests right now

2021-01-15 18:01:34 UTC  

Well then I would disagree with him

2021-01-15 18:02:00 UTC  

Then kiss America good-bye, @A1CHallman.S .

2021-01-15 18:02:54 UTC  

It might would depend on the context and how easy it is to get him to step down after the emergency

2021-01-15 18:03:06 UTC  

You talking about Biden

2021-01-15 18:03:32 UTC  

I really don't agree with anyone having absolute power.

2021-01-15 18:03:51 UTC  

There needs to be a check and balance.

2021-01-15 18:04:01 UTC  

emergency king

2021-01-15 18:04:41 UTC  

Deb Haaland, Marcia Fudge, Cedric Richmond

2021-01-15 18:04:56 UTC  

are all democrats from the HoR who should be resigning soon

2021-01-15 18:05:11 UTC  

they are joining the biden administration

2021-01-15 18:05:18 UTC  

No, The Insurrection Act is exclusively invoked when certain districts of a state or nation do not follow the law in their usual way and are severely violating civilian's rights. The President has all means to step in, invoke the act and deploy militia or the national guards to suppress the rebellion.
Is America undergoing such a predicament? Yes, it is, and it's out of control. But you'd rather play the libertarian prince than take your country back by force from the Deep State oligarchy.

2021-01-15 18:05:25 UTC  

Like we have seen this last year an "emergency" can be extended indefinitely if it serves their purpose

2021-01-15 18:06:11 UTC  

True. Some leaders like Ataturk and Pedro 2 have done great but a system without checks and balances will let the leader put the nation in terror

2021-01-15 18:06:34 UTC  

Still needs to be a check on his power. Because interpretation tends to be rather loose and the left will take it to it's furthest extent and then some

2021-01-15 18:07:12 UTC  

Biden or trump

2021-01-15 18:07:22 UTC  


2021-01-15 18:07:50 UTC  

Just cause I'd rather have Trump doesn't mean I want him to be king

2021-01-15 18:08:55 UTC  

The people are supposed to keep the government in check. It is government of the people by the people

2021-01-15 18:09:11 UTC  

Your entire argument hinges on the fact that America's system is still a legitimate system worth respecting. Are you forgetting about what happened last month? Did you forget the President literally got banned by a corporate media platform? Did you forget people at the HoR have been planning a blacklist against people like you? And no one bats an eye? Did you forget your country was on fire last summer? Where the fuck is your checks and balances system you so hold dear? Either make Trump an emergency king or be swallowed by the Deep State. No other way to restore your dear republic.

2021-01-15 18:09:27 UTC  

The people are king the government is supposed to represent us

2021-01-15 18:09:59 UTC  

Not represent us to a king but represent our will and our interests

2021-01-15 18:10:22 UTC  

You said it, it's *supposed* to. But guess what? It doesn't. So what's your plan? Pretend the system now still works and benefits us.