Message from @the weeb 200

Discord ID: 799524211814301696

2021-01-14 23:55:43 UTC  


2021-01-15 02:37:09 UTC  

searching for his name brings up a few about him being there. just not this one. maybe it was removed?

2021-01-15 03:59:38 UTC  

Whelp, so much for infiltration being nothing but a conspiracy theory

2021-01-15 05:30:27 UTC  

Well, that makes one at least. That's good information and it needs to be spread. That being said, listen... There were a lot of guys there who weren't antifa/blm. I don't think this can be spun as a 50/50 thing. But, it's still important that people know that hey, we weren't lying, we know the playbook by now. Where there's one, there's another and then some

2021-01-15 06:01:54 UTC  

Yeah the dude's track record is not good, I wonder if he hadn't been at the Capitol that day things may have turned out differently.

2021-01-15 06:04:27 UTC  

I get what you're saying, but by the time you're in the building, you oughta know something's up. How many set the tone of the mob? One thing's for sure... unlike antifa/blm, no true trump supporter would ever do this twice. hell, nearly all of us never did it once

2021-01-15 06:08:46 UTC  

Yeah there's definitely more than what meets the eyes. I also agree tone is deciding factor when it comes to group or mob think. The people witnessing the raid either got caught up in the adrenaline rush or were trying to find a way get out of there.

2021-01-15 06:14:38 UTC  

I know that election season is always the most tense, but in the coming year and beyond, we must never forget what happened and we must always challenge the rampant narrative of the Left. Our way forward lies on the thin tightrope between passion and reason

2021-01-15 06:15:16 UTC  

Never expected AOC to post this

2021-01-15 06:15:55 UTC  

Surprised she didn't mention barrel shield.

2021-01-15 06:16:13 UTC  

I think the "heat resistant gloves" covers that portion

2021-01-15 06:16:41 UTC  

Like you going to a "protest" and you need goggles and first aid

2021-01-15 06:16:59 UTC  

👀 guess we can see her at some protests soon

2021-01-15 06:17:01 UTC  

Doesn't even say "don't bring weapons" just "don't want to be arrested with"

2021-01-15 06:20:00 UTC  

AOC really is crazy, isn't she?

2021-01-15 06:20:37 UTC  

So much that the dems are looking at eating her next. Don't know which is worse

2021-01-15 06:20:54 UTC  

beyond crazy, but not Pelosi psycho yet

2021-01-15 06:22:57 UTC  

Won't take long to get there, she's got a head start

2021-01-15 06:23:04 UTC  

I am communist death to capitalism (sent on iphone)

2021-01-15 06:23:46 UTC  

I love when commies in twitter use iPhones

2021-01-15 06:24:05 UTC  

Google is just as bad as Apple so 🤷‍♀️

2021-01-15 06:24:19 UTC  

You can't live without capitalism

2021-01-15 06:24:31 UTC  

But it shouldn't be abused

2021-01-15 07:18:27 UTC  

Can't wait for the media to talk about how some anarchists who align with blm went to the capitol to riot

2021-01-15 07:18:30 UTC  

Oh wait they won't

2021-01-15 07:26:25 UTC  

Crickets from them, now and from this point on. It's up to us to be heard everywhere we can be. Those places are dwindling

2021-01-15 07:38:55 UTC  

Can we please just go to war already! This is all just way too out of hand. We need to band together and either make our own government or just take this one back. Im sick and tired of not being able to do anything but complain about our liberty being taken away. Violence doesn't solve everything but a War helped us became a free nation and I don't want to see that freedom taken without a fight!

2021-01-15 07:42:54 UTC  

Here's what you can do: You can organize now and make several plans now. You can meet your fellow patriots and discuss how to proceed if and when X happens or Y happens. You can obtain gear, you can improve your fitness, you can study small unit tactics, you can hone your perishable skills, you can build up your toughness to heat, cold, hunger, thirst and exhaustion. You can figure out where the best place for you to be is. Then, you'll be ready for anything. Hope for the best, always. Be prepared for the worst

2021-01-15 08:07:22 UTC  

Can't wait for BLM to loot my house. I'm gonna put a military grade claymore in front of my door.

2021-01-15 08:41:29 UTC  

Which one is it?

2021-01-15 08:44:32 UTC  

im so sad for blm guys they are used like toilet paper

2021-01-15 08:48:12 UTC  

^^^ i have a friend that supports blm but doesn't agree with the violence or lawless acts.

2021-01-15 08:52:29 UTC  

.... Max seems to have a lot to say

2021-01-15 08:54:19 UTC  

Yeah I was just reading that rn. I got extremely curious and wanted to make sure the information was correct.

2021-01-15 09:10:51 UTC  

John Earle Sullivan was charged by complaint with one count of knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, one count of violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, and one count of interfering with law enforcement engaged in the lawful performance of their official duties incident to and during the commission of civil disorder. The defendant was arrested today in Utah.