Message from @Odalist Refrain
Discord ID: 276950016680132609
I like how they think spying does anything
yes i want them to just watch and feel helpless
@Tee CA Max bench? Max dead lift? How much do you lift before noon?
they can be the literal cuck in the corner
can be turned off but they didn't so it's oaky
its disrupting conversation
you nigger
i'll stop
thank you
talented tenth
I went into /pol/ as a literal ***Libertarian Antifa Who Listened to Dead Kennedys and had a Nazi Punks Fuck Off Armband***
And I took the redpill hard.
At first I thought it was rediculous. I came in right as the Shemitah posting came in.
libertarian isn't the worst thing to be
I went ito /pol/ already hating Mexicans and knowing that there were different races
Still largely the same
It's hard not to hate mexicans.
Hate jews now too
I went into /pol/ not giving a shit about politics and only trying to find out why you guys liked Trump so much
@Odalist Refrain Shoulder is a bit fucked from swimming injury so no bench. Do 3x3 90lb dumbbells incline press, most I've done on DLs is 365x5 And I lift at night. Morning is for work.
Still don't hate blacks
i went into /pol/ hoping Ron Paul would win in 2008
Just think they should be separated from other blacks
i came out full RWDS
And made to assimilate
@Odalist Refrain I grew an understanding to the hostility towards Islam, and why Canada is a pussy country.
Also muh deus vults
lol@ the christcuck getting BTFO
I still get shivers when l listen to Trump's speech
*we will wipe islamic terror from the face of the earth*
@Tee CA I got caught up in a lot of shit at the beginnign of winter, and as a result haven't been DLing or Benching. To warm back into it I do six sets of 30 curls with 20 pounders before noon and then supplement with either body weight squats or push ups later in the evening. Also only eat meat I raised myself.
I'm a bit of a Vargposter, so the Deus Vult shit doesn't sit with me.
did i somehow join a /fit/ discord
That and the goodest goys I've ever known, including my family, are either agnostic or full on Christian.
But a handful of us happen to lift