Message from @🅱arD
Discord ID: 284012014454571018
Really, we all did it, but it's become way too much
And wesom kept pushing the limits on image clutter
So we can say he ruined it for all of us
What a faggot, ban him
I bet he was a shill
Who is in charge of the site?
No idea
Fuhrer, D3VNT is the codetrap
And he's a little overexposed on 'gas the gays' memes so there's a blanket trigger warning in effect for his plump, juicy, beskirted boibutt.
Be nice to the hackers.
Good man.
> I ruined it
sounds pretty fake tbqh
anyway general is boring now without may mays
We should tell sargon that we are part of the skeptic community
What's the point of communicating if I don't get to spam anime reaction images
Actually communicating, perhaps- really, though, your particular brand of communication is entertaining but no more so than the average k thread and it dissuades the nonmemetic from joining in the conversation
Tl;dr you're shitting up the general on top of scaring off normies, knock it the fuck off for a bit
How about actually helping people organize and plan action?
It would be really useful to have a beginner's guide here. I have no idea what I should do contribute.
This, we've got seattle leading the charge on meetups and over here in lakeland we're working on following suite and getting a poster brigade together to scare what little antifa presence we do have.
Step 1:
Find a person in your area with a decent posting/social media presence
Setup and do a few voice chats with them. Get a feel for their level of agency, commitment, sanity
assuming you get good feels from step 2, meet up at a coffee shop or some other non degenerate place and shoot the shit
Repeat 1-3 to build community
I didn't know you could even find out a person's home base from social media unless they made an issue of pointing it out; i mean, we have the state tagging rule on our usernames for a reason
Speaking of, @Iamawesom you don't have your state suffixed to your username
Thank you~
When did we go full 1488 on shitposting?
When it became necessary to implement a final solution to the problem.
I thought that shitposting was our autistic buffer against shills and normies, like it is on /pol/.
There is a limit, I suppose. Did someone go overboard with spam?
That was fine until none of the regulars stayed long enough to integrate. You tards earned this wrangling, now enough, take your concerns to Der Fuhrer, send him a pm and let him decide whether or not I'm being too stringent. If Der Fuhrer wants Der Memen, then Der Memen shall be, else you'll see a holocaust of memes in the general while I'm active.
Ov vey
complaint sent