Message from @bible whore 1
Discord ID: 627157795577528341
Not everything is about you
I mean not something i havent seen before
Even in simple English, he can't understand
But ana gives off a rainbow
A rainbow of violence
i wouldnt even call it weird colors
just weird vibes
It's truly beautiful
Anna farts Rainbows
ana gives off vibes like she has a secret plan
By eating skittles
Ana shits rainbows
Like I have a secret plan?
she has that charm effect that makes u want to give her benefit of the doubt
but i dont trust her
Nah you would have heard my hick laugh
Look out Ana, you filthy conspiracy whore
Its weird.
@bible whore 1 Looks like you mod when it suits your needs
Yes. *she's* the weird one
Are you snuffed from this server yet? No
Or maybe you can just make yourself come off "as a decent person"
@bible whore 1 its still a threat
and as a mod
you should protect people
but hey maybe you favor some people
you rainbow
She is. Protecting us. From the nuts.
You will wake up soon enough, you are just blinded by the smooth talk
Idk maybe she comes off like shes protecting yall but, i feel like shes a back stabber
Once he starts to talk over you, and down to you, you will understand
What are you talking about?
Ask infidel 🤣
im so confused
Yeah just ask AZ
He made a bunch of shit about me