Message from @Vertagho
Discord ID: 690752639796903976
the coronavirus has become the largest crisis in the modern era
I dont live in dallas but i live realitivky close to there
everyone who has twttier, spread this hashtag #ChinaLiedPeopleDied
welp found a source of chinese propaganda
nah china is the biggest liar here, the amount of propaganda comign from a single video is just insane luckily this aint the full video and someone elses commentary over it but man oh man is the chinese spewing absolute bullshit
@Deleted User new person joined!
Welcome new person
<@690744900450385981> Welcome
#ChinaLiedPeopleDied y'all
I literally heard it 😭😂
porn ^^^^
woah <#636329424962322452> for that AZ
Every place is a safe space when you have a gun
Schwerer Gustav: Largest Gun Mankind Has Ever Built
honestly the most badass gun ever made as well
Damn, did I miss the gun porn talk?
Hello. Thanks for the welcome everyone.
Is that a Heavy Gustav you have in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?
@Karnivore dude can i use that please please
Just in time for the gun porn
hey babaganoosh
LOL, Soul.