Message from @The Soy Goy
Discord ID: 303604991296274433
Or somewhere close to that number. They showed up in three "divisions", for lack of a better term, of about 100 each.
There were maybe like 120 people at the rally, only about half of them fought, and we still beat the shit out of Antifa
Any idea how many Americans were there repulsing them?
Around 120
Maybe 60-70 were actually fighting though
IE was the biggest group there, they did most of the work tbh
Them and the proud boys
The Proud Boys went hard dude
TBH I think there may have been a few more PBs than IEs
You did not want to be an antifa faggot anywhere near Lauren Southern
Identity Europa.
There were around 30 guys from IE
I think there were only like 10 proud boys
I dentity Europa is the Alt Rights "elite" group.
We need Anticom Heavy Cavalry
The thing at Auburn is at 7 PM tomorrow though
Anticom Lancers charging the Antifa light infantry
Yeah we stole some flags apparently
Dude waving a big "Don't Tread on Memes" flag
With pepe as the head of the snake
we pooped on the flag too
commies btfo
pee pee POO POO
Daily reminder to git /fit/
If by the end of the year, battles between Antifa and Anticom don't look like this, I'll be disappointed
That's be sick
We already have artillery (fireworks, bricks, etc.)
Just need cavalry (motorcycles)
Also a way to protect our banners and such
Also we have drummers for marches
Putting strong guys in front and around
Or one drummer that is