Message from @BlackMetalWitch
Discord ID: 302946842759659521
So far around 15 arrested from both sides
I'm an Anarcho-Authoritarian @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
probably equal casualties tbh
I saw two or three of our ppl hurt
@Iamawesom wtf does that even mean??
Eeesh that's crazy @BlackMetalWitch thanks for the enchilada
atleast one antifa who got the shit beat out of him
that just what I saw though
They threw everything they possibly could. Rocks, water bottles, glass bottles, tear gas, and they pepper sprayed those who got too close.
@BlackMetalWitch did it get bad?
Antifa got multiple banners and flags taken, should make for some awesome photo ops
lel. haven't heard of that one before
@Iamawesom Dude... It looked like a damn battle field... It was acrually pretty scary
did you record it at all?
@BlackMetalWitch You'll be used to that by years end I bet
Seriously though, if our protests had like, drums, and marching. Sort of like 18th century warfare that'd be sick. Maybe a bit too extra though
There was a drummer lol
Yes! We had one or two drummer boys! Haha
Playing battle hym of the republic
I could see some mad max truck in our protests
@Boru Were/Are you there?
You know the one
Nah I was just watching multiple streams all day
@Boru Gotcha
I'm on the east coast
I was at DC the other week but it was nothing compared to this
I might come to the states for the next one