Message from @Mercy

Discord ID: 798746750453415966

2021-01-12 23:28:16 UTC  

@Galactic Leader no way anyone is going to report on something like that and give the impression of validity in today's political climate.

2021-01-12 23:29:40 UTC  

Dems in Congress are now trying to bait/force Reps into stating that Joe Biden won fair and square. They will ultimately require all of them to renounce their support and admit they were wrong.

2021-01-12 23:30:37 UTC  
2021-01-12 23:34:26 UTC

2021-01-12 23:35:02 UTC  

I dont expect american news to cover it until its verified, but you think the rest of the world or at least Italy, Britain, Australia and Canada for example would cover it

2021-01-12 23:35:27 UTC  

I doubt MSM will even report on it if it is verified.

2021-01-12 23:36:53 UTC  

He’s always been a traitor.

2021-01-12 23:41:18 UTC  

I don't say this lightly, but Brennan saying that in a Tweet is inciting violence and mob rule.

2021-01-12 23:45:09 UTC  

Hey going back to a previous conversation on browsers, does anyone here use Dissenter?

2021-01-12 23:46:56 UTC  

Same question about Signal.

2021-01-13 00:12:12 UTC  

Talks about tactics antifa used to influence the capitol incident

2021-01-13 00:21:11 UTC  

If the joint chiefs of staff released a memo, wouldnt it be on the joint chief's website or twitter at the least?

2021-01-13 01:47:09 UTC  

That actually is very informative, relevant and eye opening.

2021-01-13 01:49:02 UTC  

But if you have ever read the comments to any trump positive videos you have all see these edgelord internet tough guys who are all "Lets get ar guns n teach em how americans fight for truth!" idiots.
Idiots are everywhere on all sides and are the true poison of society.

2021-01-13 02:44:32 UTC  

I think people should have to pass an IQ test to be able to vote

2021-01-13 02:45:13 UTC  

some people think you are a racist

2021-01-13 02:49:51 UTC  

Implying that saying people should pass an IQ test is racist is actually racist. Like only white people could be smartXD Intelligence has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with not being a friggin moron.

2021-01-13 02:50:15 UTC  

IQ Tests are a delusion. IQ tests test you based on what you "Should" know based on your age. But the problem with that is someone has to make the test, meaning they judge what a person 'should know.' What a person knows in Jersey vs Kansas is very different. Farming is useless in cities so it would not matter on the Jersey IQ test. Intelligence is not some magic number that allows you to be better or smarter than others. it is the ability to reason and problem solve things you do not know.

2021-01-13 02:53:10 UTC  

The thing with IQ tests is that they're designed precisely to see how one can solve problems. They are not based on the education system or average skill set in the area, but formulate questions so as to find out how someone solves problems and evaluate critical thinking. Unless they've changed in recent years to just be a middleschool math test from Jersey, I think testing someone's problem solving and critical thinking skills is important.

2021-01-13 02:54:25 UTC  

Most of those tests are a joke as they are just basicly puzzles/math based which is very limited.

2021-01-13 02:55:50 UTC  

Fun fact, I'm pretty sure if your IQ is 80 or less, you're considered legally slow, and one of the Bushes had an IQ of like 82.

2021-01-13 02:56:29 UTC  

they test very little but the technical parts of the brain. Not morality, self awareness, the ability to play the devils advocate for a cause you do not support or even understanding a persons motivations.

2021-01-13 02:56:52 UTC  

See the tests are not even acurate as originally 50 was average 100 was a genius.

2021-01-13 02:57:50 UTC  

now they numbers vary, only serving to prove IQ tests are unreliable and biased.

2021-01-13 02:59:43 UTC  

All I'm saying is that if someone has no critical thinking skills, they're a problem. Unfortunately schools just teach some increasingly ridiculous roundabout math formulas that change every few years instead of actually how to think and problem solve. And what happened to debate? People are borderline non functional right now.

2021-01-13 03:01:30 UTC  

Also, understanding a person's motivations, etc, is something that takes time and can't be taught.

2021-01-13 04:25:23 UTC  

Just sent a message to my daughters school about this. Free and critical thinking are being threatened in our school systems. They’re using a type of conditioning used in third world countries or dictatorships. While we’re acting like a bunch of pissed off apes, they’re fucking up our future generations.

2021-01-13 08:48:14 UTC  


2021-01-13 09:00:23 UTC  

They’ve been doing that for a while now

2021-01-13 09:00:33 UTC  

Ever since the teachers Union is my guess

2021-01-13 13:27:55 UTC  

should get the fox news clip about it too

2021-01-13 14:24:59 UTC  

awesome, he so deserved to be fired.

2021-01-13 18:57:56 UTC  

i got banned cause i dont support the blm organization

2021-01-13 19:01:25 UTC  


2021-01-13 19:01:36 UTC  

is there a way to turn this around?

2021-01-13 19:03:47 UTC  

wtf is scratch