
Discord ID: 383673137822171136

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I think it would be hilarious to get an orange-man tan, like extreme orange, and then go vote in person.

it is all just part of the plan to reduce our carbon footprint and dependency on fossil fuels. Sometimes you have to make tough decisions. LOL

I don't know, I just work here


this is why you should not pay for your kids to go to college.....PERIOD

would be pretty funny for the US to begin boycotting colleges

Anyone else annoyed by YouTube putting this banner at the bottom of every video?

YouTube actually now recommending me Biden/Harris content... WTF

@Red Jasper If I'm him, I'm really upset. Man worked hard.

If Trump doesn't pull this out of his ass, I'm not sure we will ever be able to trust any election again. Also not sure how we'll ever not have the one-sided media bias forever. A Trump win would have ended the media and democrats for the future.

If it goes to delegation, it will also probably ruin the country. But at this point I would risk it.

Definitely need to usher in the era of no longer silent majority.

OMFG, this is too good. Media freaks out when Pence doesn't take questions. But, when Hiden does it, no biggie...

A recount isn't an audit. Georgia ain't over.

Biden, if sworn in as president, didn't win. The media won.

he can try whatever he wants, there is going to be shit ton of people who won't comply

did you expect anything different from a recount? I mean come on man!

give it more time, courts ain't over.

a recount does nothing to catch fraud

he doesn't need to win all the cases, he just needs to win a few, and get it to Supreme Court. If Supreme Court rules that laws weren't followed, or anything is considered unconsitutional, the decision will go to Legislative delegation, then Trump wins

Won't matter much in the long run. Biden will be lame duck president

just remember the media is against us on this one, and therefore the information you are getting about the status won't be true

There are also election board members refusing to certify votes...this is far from over

After seeing Harris animated video several times about equality and equity, then seeing ads for new NBA season showing BLM messages... Made me wonder if her version of equality includes an even number of white players to black players on the court? Also, what about bench v.s. play time?

Interesting comment in the video comments. "Has Kamala Harris resigned her Senate seat yet? Why not?"

How much we gotta pay a past Apollo astronaut to claim to be non-binary to steal this opportunity away from the LBGTABCD crowd?

Just think how much production studios have improved since the 60's. This trip will look extra special good.

all this war on men. I say fuck it. All men should step aside and watch this shit implode.

How the fuck was Perdue a no show for the Georgia Senate Runoff debates?

She just needs to poop real bad...

Crowder video initially talks about how YouTube just announced they will begin removing videos that talk about voter fraud.

They are more than a distraction. They are part of the propaganda machine. How many movies and shows have you seen lately that are Woke as fuck? How about how many that are basically driving a message about saving the environment? It is shame to me that our society has continuously rewarded these industries with our money. We pay excessive amounts of money for this "entertainment" and in turn create the monsters that eventually want to rule our everyday and ways of thinking.

I think it was Kurt Russell who said we are just jesters in the court.

12 min mark they start formal part of the process. 15 min mark they announce that all 6 electors for Nevada vote for Trump.

This is worth a watch just to see Whoopie Goldberg and her brainwashed audience make fools of themselves...

pretty sure he is using sterilize in a different context than reproductive sterilization.

apparently even Discord now censoring people's rights.

The Right should never let Lin Wood have a microphone. Dude is a lunatic.

even if he were right, who would believe him?

LOL, where that coming from. LOL. I think we have a member of Lin Wood's congregation here...

man I hope someone has literal video showing the Capital Police opening the doors. That would end all this immediately.

Also extremely sad that not a single politician who incited violence and rioting for BLM and ANTIFA events is facing any charges themselves. Complete hypocrisy, and conservatives don't have a voice anywhere now to do the compare and contrast. Honestly, if they want to call Jan. 6th an insurgency, then what they are trying to do now to President Trump, politicians and citizens who supported him is equally the same. If Congress impeaches him, is that not a form of insurgency?

Banning him from Twitter. Taking down Parlor. These are all equivalents to Germany Nazis burning books.

wouldn't be surprised if they start going after the new pop-up news agencies.

Would be amazing if everyone who doesn't agree with what is happening deleted their Twitter accounts all on the same day. Talk about sending a message to Big Tech.

I don't have a Twitter account. Never have. Fuck Twitter.

To everyone recommending Brave as an alternative browser, it is made by Mozilla, same people who make FireFox.

any validity to that post above about declassification?

literally downloaded my personal stuff from FB just now. Will be deleting tomorrow. Posted a message to friends letting the know and encouraged them to do the same.

I haven't used mine since Pandemic started. I feel like even though that is the case, deleting it will still count in the totals of people pressing the eject button from Big Tech.

@Galactic Leader no way anyone is going to report on something like that and give the impression of validity in today's political climate.

Dems in Congress are now trying to bait/force Reps into stating that Joe Biden won fair and square. They will ultimately require all of them to renounce their support and admit they were wrong.

I doubt MSM will even report on it if it is verified.

I don't say this lightly, but Brennan saying that in a Tweet is inciting violence and mob rule.

Same question about Signal.

awesome, he so deserved to be fired.

This is a very long watch, but worth the time. 1.5 hours of laying out everything that happened in Seattle over a long period of time. For me it stands in stark contrast to just a couple of hours at the Capital -- and to think, Congress was able to occupy the building only a couple hours later and return to the business, yet they are painting this as the end of Democracy.

That bill doesn't exclude foreign powers... like China from donating...

I'm sure they find a way, somehow.


They aren't a perfect organization, but they do fight for 2A rights to be preserved.

more like maybe 100 people broke into building. Rest just walked in, invited by the police to do so, then just stood around wondering why they went in and decided to leave.

Not to be sarcastic, but cuz they scared AND never let a good crisis go to waste.

Very curious if any of those National Guard troops actually have ammo. I spent countless hours on guard duty without even an empty magazine to at least give the impression of being armed.

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