Message from @Kouang Tcheo Wan

Discord ID: 798352653641580544

2021-01-12 00:33:42 UTC  

they are trying to subdue the enemy because they are afraid

2021-01-12 00:34:09 UTC  

It is quicky becoming that necessary time if is not already time

2021-01-12 00:34:18 UTC  

No, they are only against guns for the people.

2021-01-12 00:34:40 UTC  

it still doesnt change their objective, they are afraid of the people

2021-01-12 00:35:08 UTC  

They don't want the people to rule america or have power. They want the people to step in line, listen, obey etc.

2021-01-12 00:35:32 UTC  

They have made themselves kings! They need to go. It is their choice whether they go peacefully or not

2021-01-12 00:37:04 UTC  

kick them all out

2021-01-12 00:37:09 UTC  

if they stay here,

2021-01-12 00:37:15 UTC  

they will find a way back

2021-01-12 00:37:21 UTC  

or execute them for their crimes

2021-01-12 00:38:53 UTC  

I'm fine with just taking all their money and waisting it on stupid things. Like cleaning cow poop off the streets in India or something

2021-01-12 00:39:14 UTC  

india poop car

2021-01-12 00:41:07 UTC  

Giving into apathy and nihilism is not going to solve anything. You have to take part In local elections, and use you power as a voter. You are only one person but you have power that you can’t imagine. A man who blames the world on all his problems will do nothing to improve it. Calling for war only causes more division. In this great American experiment we have the power to change our government without little to no bloodshed. We have to to at fight this decay with our power of convincing our people to our cause. Hate doesn’t destroy hate, it does quite the opposite. It makes it bigger. In an endless spiral of hate that can only be stop with kindness and reason before we have no other choice to start a war. If you never try to understand the other side, you can never stop the spiral. Don’t be told want you want to believe about the other side, ask them, question why the Believe the things they do. A mob can not be destroyed with another one. The only way is from legislators. Make people join your cause, vote for the representative you want. You can only control you self, so do t expect others to change.

“Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country” -JFK

2021-01-12 00:44:30 UTC  

a great benefit could be done for this country by expelling the parasites that are turning this first world nation into a third world nation

2021-01-12 00:45:08 UTC  

Exactly import the third world and you'll become the third world

2021-01-12 00:47:15 UTC  

I am definitely for voting. And I am willing to have healthy discussion. I don't believe everyone that is a democrat is a bad person. However, the democrat party is controlled by am ever changing ideology that lacks any sense at all. I mean it's just literally unfathomably retarded the stuff they are pushing. So no, I can't be understanding of that. It's not just policy differences.

2021-01-12 00:47:24 UTC  

Unless they are illegals immigrants that would be unconstitutional. Exiling people for there political beliefs would only quicken a future civil war.

2021-01-12 00:48:00 UTC  

it doesn't help that the democrat party exists primarily as a vector to just say the opposite of trump

2021-01-12 00:48:11 UTC  

You mean like literally what the left is trying to do?

2021-01-12 00:48:25 UTC  

i never specified political beliefs, and illegal immigrants should be able to be disposed if they contribute to the downfall of a nation more than its success

2021-01-12 00:48:45 UTC  

True, so convince people to be on your side, don’t give up to apathy and hatred. Always try to be the bigger man in a political conversation don’t go for cheep shots and insults

2021-01-12 00:49:26 UTC  

no nation should have the burden of carrying [useless] illegal immigrants that provide no benefit to the nation and leech of of it

2021-01-12 00:49:33 UTC  

[useless] not all

2021-01-12 00:50:06 UTC  

I do agree somewhat. I see Trump as nothing more than a representation of the frustration and anger that many Americans feel towards our politicians. Economically Trump has been an amazing President. Socially, he exposed the rift

2021-01-12 00:50:36 UTC  

trump is most likely just another puppet of the NWO

2021-01-12 00:50:50 UTC  

if trump was going to free america from the grasps of the NWO it wouldve happened earlier

2021-01-12 00:51:26 UTC  

i do not expect much from him, and i regret being so enthusiastic about his presidency

2021-01-12 00:51:50 UTC  

but in the end i am a retarded leafposter, why do i even bother in american politics

2021-01-12 00:51:55 UTC  


2021-01-12 00:53:43 UTC  

I and others can try and win people over to our side all we want. But it will never be enough. I don't ever intend to be purposeful hateful but Im not going to try and spare their feelings. More often than not if they would go away and stop shoving their beliefs in my face there wouldn't be a problem

2021-01-12 00:56:33 UTC  

Trump is ok. I like it that the left hates him so much. Means he's doing something right lol and they would hate us just the same. He's rude, crude and doesn't play by their rules.

2021-01-12 00:56:54 UTC  

Trump struck a rift, he caused for the resurface of antifa and other anti trump organization, that are stuck in the orange man bad. I dont like him to be honest. He raised the National debt by 8 trillion in one term while Obama only did 10 trillion in 2 terms. He has quicken the division of blue and red by a lot. His well claims that can be taken as many things. He has struck a cord. I hope we can get a candidate that can that can close that rift

2021-01-12 00:57:26 UTC  

well personally i would've preferred him to actually revolt against the NWO and secret organizations e.g. freemasons and bilderberg

2021-01-12 00:59:15 UTC

2021-01-12 01:01:18 UTC  

"verified attendee" ?

2021-01-12 01:01:30 UTC  

FBI is about to get nuked

2021-01-12 01:01:46 UTC  

group punishment is a war crime

2021-01-12 01:05:09 UTC  

They wont get much from me, dont think i had to even show my id to make an account

2021-01-12 01:06:10 UTC  

Well, I’m gonna watch the world burn by evil Biden. To of a sheep person

2021-01-12 01:44:19 UTC  

@Kouang Tcheo Wan Good thing I never signed up for that dumpster fire. Man, they didn't care about their users.