Message from @98

Discord ID: 798470915993632819

2021-01-12 01:44:41 UTC  

I like the idea of free speech, but you have to have a quality website to enforce it.

2021-01-12 01:53:57 UTC  

sucks for me cuz i set up a parler account fucking yesterday

2021-01-12 01:54:00 UTC  


2021-01-12 01:54:29 UTC  

but i didnt include any ID or anything so probably nothing will happen to me

2021-01-12 01:54:33 UTC  


2021-01-12 01:57:07 UTC  

Lol yay....

2021-01-12 01:57:33 UTC  

me irl

2021-01-12 02:01:52 UTC  


2021-01-12 02:02:18 UTC  

@Kouang Tcheo Wan I'm 99% sure leftists have your email.

2021-01-12 03:30:09 UTC

2021-01-12 03:31:35 UTC  

Crazy bernie

2021-01-12 03:40:19 UTC  


2021-01-12 04:15:07 UTC  

Want a daily reminder of whats becoming our president? Type in into your browser. (Hint: It’s a President-Elects site).

2021-01-12 04:21:54 UTC  

Hypocrites: Democrats BLM Marxist

2021-01-12 04:22:20 UTC  

And Antifa

2021-01-12 06:13:06 UTC

2021-01-12 06:43:05 UTC

2021-01-12 06:43:09 UTC  

suspected tranny who hacked parler

2021-01-12 08:38:14 UTC  

wait so they didn't really delete posts when the user hit the delete button?

2021-01-12 08:38:21 UTC  


2021-01-12 08:38:55 UTC  

most cell phone cameras add all that when you take the picture. If you use a media meta viewer it gives you all details most people don't know about I use to use Iview to examine crap

2021-01-12 10:10:58 UTC

2021-01-12 10:11:32 UTC

2021-01-12 10:12:03 UTC  

don´t know which sauce is more reliable

2021-01-12 10:27:50 UTC  

I don't know if it has Anything to do with Covid but I think that is one of the reasons why the debt js is so high

2021-01-12 10:28:19 UTC  

I don't understand how Obama kept the Debt so "low" when he started wars.

2021-01-12 10:29:11 UTC  

Proly some dark budget or some other shit

2021-01-12 10:41:01 UTC  

Maybe weapon sales... remember when Trump just blurted out how much money we were making selling weapons to Saudi Arabia. Folks were fucking stunned he just outright let it fly. There's a possibility similar deals were happening during the more Middle Eastern Focused Obama-era

2021-01-12 10:41:52 UTC  

If you're making the wars, why not play both sides and supply them?

2021-01-12 15:05:07 UTC  

This is just me smh

2021-01-12 15:08:20 UTC

2021-01-12 15:08:25 UTC  

They really stupid

2021-01-12 15:27:29 UTC  

Our National Anthem is a beautiful piece about the revolution and fight against tyranny and only a Tyrant would seek to replace it.

2021-01-12 15:37:19 UTC  


2021-01-12 18:31:29 UTC  

So what make a national anthem for black people?

2021-01-12 18:34:26 UTC  

i nominate the kekistan anthem

2021-01-12 18:34:38 UTC  

Social justice! Unity! Healing! Guys, this is just social justice! Clearly not a way to divide us and to bring back the Jim Crow laws, nah.

2021-01-12 18:34:47 UTC  

Just social justice, equality, **unity!**

2021-01-12 18:39:14 UTC  

the only way unity can happen is if they get a red pill shoved up their collective asses to finally feel what everybody else they hate feels

2021-01-12 19:21:22 UTC  

♪ Oh say can you see?
You're more privileged than me.
Give me your job, and your house,
in my bank is your monies.

Who's white men on those bills
Are some racist CIS shills
They need replace by my race
like George Floyd and his homies

With that gangsta style flare
bitches twerk in the air
guns poppin through the night
shows bloodz n cripz r still there

Only we can say the n word
but if you do, you'll get beat.
cuz back in the day
we were kangs and sheet ♫