Message from @Rythm
Discord ID: 708586849643397171
<:online:487591063616225290> Maintenance is done! <a:ameowpartyattention:451143444367409193> Thank you for all your patience and cooperation as we upgraded our server. Allow Rythm 20-30 minutes to fully boot, and after that everything should be business as usual. <:sungwasses:592733945980780544> Thank you all once more for supporting and choosing <:rythm:345035225279234049> Rythm!! ๐ <a:shark:653414876278030346>
[Original Message Deleted]
<:status_online:596576749790429200> **All issues resolved with all 3 bots <:party:350641647417032706>**
> **Rythm Outage Status**
> <:rythm:345035225279234049> | **Rythm 1:** <:online:487591063616225290> Fully operational!
> <:rythm2:513127646792777758> | **Rythm 2:** <:online:487591063616225290> Fully operational!
> <:rythmcanary:513127646780194817> | **Rythm Canary:** <:online:487591063616225290> Fully operational!
> **Invite all versions of Rythm from:**
~~<:dnd:487593412711677982>All music bots are experiencing lag issues due to discord's voice servers being overloaded due to the virus. Please be patient as we await a fix on their end. ๐~~
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** ๐ ``
**Playing** ๐ถ `Machine Gun (Live At Filmore East, New York/1970/1997 Digital Remaster)` - Now!
<:status_idle:596576773488115722> **Soundcloud currently isn't working, the issue is being investigated**
<:status_online:596576749790429200> **Issue resolved** <:party:350641647417032706>
~~<:dnd:487593412711677982> Rythm 1 and Rythm 2 is entirely offline due an issue on Discord's end. In the mean time, you can invite Rythm Canary which is not affected. You can find it at <>
<:status_idle:596576773488115722> Rythm 1 and Rythm 2 are currently booting up. They should come back online shortly!~~
<:party:350641647417032706>**Issues fully resolved**
~~<:online:487591063616225290> Rythm 2 is fully online now. Please use Rythm 2 until Rythm 1 is fully online again, You can invite Rythm 2 from <>~~
<:party:350641647417032706>**Issues fully resolved**
[Original Message Deleted]
~~<:status_idle:596576773488115722> <:rythm:345035225279234049> **Rythm** and <:rythm2:513127646792777758> **Rythm 2** are currently experiencing some issues in a small amount of servers, investigating....
If you are having issues please use <:rythmcanary:513127646780194817> **Rythm Canary** in the meantime - **<>**
<:status_dnd:596576774364856321> **Issue identified**, we will be doing a rolling restart to Rythm 1 and 2 fix the issues, If the bot is offline in your server feel free to invite the alternative mentioned above, the bots should be fully online shortly!
<:status_idle:596576773488115722> <:rythm2:513127646792777758> **Rythm 2** is now fully online, If you're still waiting for Rythm 1 to recover feel free to use it as an alternative release, check out all releases here: **<>**
<:status_idle:596576773488115722> Just wanted to clarify that these issues were caused by Discord having issues a few hours ago, we are now recovering from them. Additionally we are 80% into the rolling restart! Almost there~~
<:status_online:596576749790429200> **Issue resolved** <:party:350641647417032706>
~~<:status_dnd:596576774364856321> <:rythm:345035225279234049> **Rythm** is currently offline in a portion of servers, everything should be back up soon, At the moment we believe this was caused by something out of our control, we are actively investigating to figure out what went wrong
In the meantime - I recommend inviting <:rythm2:513127646792777758> **Rythm 2** or <:rythmcanary:513127646780194817> **Rythm canary** from this link: **<>**~~
**Issue resolved** <:party:350641647417032706>
<:dnd:688566207028396143>~~ <:rythm:345035225279234049> **Rythm** and <:rythm2:513127646792777758> **Rythm 2** seem to have gone offline for unknown reasons. We are investigating the issue and hope to have it resolved as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.~~
~~**UPDATE**: This issue seems to have been caused by a Cloudflare outage. You can keep up with the Cloudflare issues here: <>~~
~~**UPDATE**: <:idle:688566175684493372> <:rythm:345035225279234049> **Rythm** and <:rythm2:513127646792777758> **Rythm 2** are booting! You can use <:rythmcanary:513127646780194817> **Rythm Canary** in the meantime, and you can invite it at <>~~
~~**UPDATE**: <:idle:688566175684493372> <:rythm:345035225279234049> **Rythm** is currently rebooting! <:rythm2:513127646792777758> **Rythm 2** and <:rythmcanary:513127646780194817> **Rythm Canary** are available for use in the meantime, and you can invite them at <>~~
**UPDATE**: <:online:688566233674678309> <:rythm:345035225279234049> **Rythm**, <:rythm2:513127646792777758> **Rythm 2**, and <:rythmcanary:513127646780194817> **Rythm Canary** are online and fully functional!
~~<:dnd:487593412711677982> We're aware that <:rythm:345035225279234049> **Rythm 1**, <:rythm2:513127646792777758> **Rythm 2** and <:rythmcanary:513127646780194817> **Canary** are having issues atm. This is due to an issue with Discord. We're currently working on resolving the issues. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. ๐~~
~~<:idle:702753838427275274> **UPDATE:** All the bots are currently booting up. They'll all be online soonโข๏ธ. In the mean time, you can use **Rythm Canary**. You can invite it from <>.~~~
~~<:idle:702753838427275274> **UPDATE 2:** **Rythm 2** and **Canary** are fully online! You can invite them from <> until **Rythm 1** is fully online and operational!~~
<:online:487591063616225290> **Issue resolved!** <:party:350641647417032706>
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** ๐ ``
**Playing** ๐ถ `TOOL - Fear Inoculum (Audio)` - Now!
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** ๐ ``
**Playing** ๐ถ `TOOL - Fear Inoculum (Audio)` - Now!
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