Message from @Geoff Lee

Discord ID: 796494507519770664

2021-01-06 21:05:08 UTC  

nearer the Main

2021-01-06 21:05:50 UTC  

@Geoff Lee My favorite beer is the Dusseldorf Alt! Love it! You can't tell when the foam stops and the beer starts. LoL

2021-01-06 21:06:31 UTC  

dark beer is not good, I prefer Koelsch

2021-01-06 21:08:25 UTC  

Biden addressing the 'mob' lol guess he'll get a deaf 'un

2021-01-06 21:09:19 UTC  

I like a good dark beer, but Pilsner is Great, if you get the chance try some Australian beers, not Foster's, but normally not exported brands. Like Castlemain XXXX from Queensland is my Favorite.

2021-01-06 21:09:48 UTC  

calling on Trump to address the Nation - me thinks a good idea

2021-01-06 21:11:18 UTC  

The Defense Department has authorized the mobilization of the entire DC National Guard – approximately 1800 troops. This will take several hours to mobilize but federal law enforcement will be in the lead, according to multiple defense officials.

2021-01-06 21:12:12 UTC  

but which way are they going?

2021-01-06 21:13:19 UTC  

It's not the patriots doing the shooting, so which side will the NG be on?

2021-01-06 21:17:18 UTC  

I think putting that POS Biden on t.v
shows how stupid those people are . Seeing that creature will find demonstrators what they're angry about

2021-01-06 21:18:37 UTC  

my mrs had her hands full when she put Biden on Angry and feeling sick

2021-01-06 21:20:50 UTC  

got monkeywerx on he does all air movement says he's seeing a lot of military movement, fighters and air refueling, no sign AF1 or 2 and he knows all call signs

2021-01-06 21:28:48 UTC  

seeing on twitter many are saying 'storming the Capital' is Antifa

2021-01-06 21:35:04 UTC  

Hearing the same. Also hearing they are still there dressed as trumpsters antagonizing police

2021-01-06 21:35:49 UTC  

Trump is speaking now. Telling everyone to go home in peace

2021-01-06 21:37:41 UTC  

Flash bomb tear gassing crowds

2021-01-06 21:40:25 UTC  

Twitter is censoring President Trump @Free2Think Tyrants

2021-01-06 21:40:53 UTC  

Yes it was antifa not Patriots @Geoff Lee

2021-01-06 21:42:08 UTC  

So we officially lost all three branches

2021-01-06 21:42:13 UTC  

Let that sink in

2021-01-06 21:44:48 UTC  

@Phil Whitehead you reckon it's all out?

2021-01-06 21:45:44 UTC  

I don't reckon anything right now.

2021-01-06 21:45:59 UTC  

This country has been stolen

2021-01-06 21:46:00 UTC  

thank god for that

2021-01-06 21:46:46 UTC  

@Phil Whitehead And the politicians wonder why Patriots are pissed off when the government is corrupt

2021-01-06 21:47:13 UTC  

They don't wonder anything... They don't care

2021-01-06 21:47:59 UTC  

@Phil Whitehead Like I said earlier, now the Civil Unrest will begin. Trucking will slow down, Bombs going off in government buildings, protest will get worse! It's not going to be pretty!

2021-01-06 21:48:59 UTC  

You know, not everyone has a padded bank account, we can't afford that

2021-01-06 21:49:05 UTC  

Right @Phil Whitehead I pray for that unarmed woman that was shot by cops πŸ™

2021-01-06 21:49:14 UTC  

Politicians are always happy to get another excuse to spend money

2021-01-06 21:50:35 UTC  

Right @Lloyd Owen Antifa infiltrated the Capitol and did this

2021-01-06 21:53:10 UTC  

They sure looked like that bunch. Saw one pushing a girl in front of him inside in front of him. See others throwing rocks at cops. Those aren't good old boys

2021-01-06 21:55:12 UTC  

Yes @Lloyd Owen these antifa terrorists did this

2021-01-06 22:00:41 UTC  

DC mayor instituting 6pm curfew. Shutting public transportation down at 8

2021-01-06 22:02:28 UTC  

DC mayor is a part of the problem @Free2Think

2021-01-06 22:05:36 UTC  

It’s escalating

2021-01-06 22:08:33 UTC  

Good luck to the "curfew" being enforced lol, Americans will not let communism take over...

2021-01-06 22:14:01 UTC  

Capitol police are taking back the Capitol building. Tear gassed their way in to barricade position

2021-01-06 22:17:07 UTC  

@Free2Think Unbelievable

2021-01-06 22:17:08 UTC  

Live on VC now

2021-01-06 22:26:16 UTC  

Great @FaithPlusNothing i will watch and heading to a friends