Message from @Deadly_Ramon
Discord ID: 552893834632101890
Nanny Nibbles
Idk they count as pets but the farm I work at we got three new cows. They’re super cute
@Black Plague nice, tell us more about your work. Where is it etc
I work on a farm downstate NY. It’s a gentlemen’s farm owned by the county so we don’t sell any produce or products. Basically it’s a farm zoo.
I do anything they tell me to do, upkeep of animals, tractor maintenance l, all that stuff
so what are the new cows for?
just for the lols?
Probably his another furry anime fantasy @gauravtee
gentle python and little chick bond with each other
She managed to eat it tail first which is kinda impressive
Oh cool - I used to feed mine live too. Other snake owners kept pushing for me to feed frozen but that’s not how they roll in the wild soo
@TayHornibrook I'd rather feed live snakes to my birds.
What kind of birds?
That's adorable tbf