Message from @HeilJUDEN
Discord ID: 597991052384927754
I'd just go there with friends and somehow it'd all work out
the one time I missed an outing was incredibly dumb
The streets are lit
But Sinulog rave era is dead
and I got texts from a friend who got dragged around by a group of french models
"bai, what do I do"
After people got wild the mayor banned street parties
"I'm not french"
I remember that
Lmao what a lucky SOB
I sent a friend request, I can send message in private
@Czarpy small world eh?
Id never expect to see some USC students in this server
Seeking attractive men, at least 6'2" with 6 figure income. Must be willing to support my children
That's disgusting. Gross.
I've considered moving to Asia
I don't speak ching chong but I'm sure I could figure it out
Your boyfriend has swollen lips from deep throating ur she-peen
She’s female lol
Not a guy
I’m the guy taking the pic lmao
Oh I thought they were both she-males
Nice one @Mandatory Carry !
Roast me
Shave, hippy
Me getting for my job at sheetz