Message from @eleanor rigby

Discord ID: 575850490697613343

2019-05-05 19:36:03 UTC  

Does it have more bells and whistles than MeWe if so I'll check it out and might regarrison there.

2019-05-05 20:47:47 UTC  

@AH5.45×39 Gab's like a free speech Twitter. Discord is run by the same kind of SJWs that own Big Tech, so this server can get shut down at any time, especially if the moderators are as lax about group membership (which invites SJW infiltrators) as they are on Facebook.

2019-05-06 00:20:33 UTC  

I was banned from facebook for three days.... well it's been 5 and I still cant post

2019-05-06 00:21:01 UTC  

@Deadly_Ramon I know who you are

2019-05-06 01:26:05 UTC  

I was never on twitter and part of that was the limit on how many words you could have in a post.

2019-05-06 03:01:00 UTC

2019-05-06 09:21:38 UTC  

@AH5.45×39 It's more a character than word limit, and it has since been doubled (from 140 to 280 characters per post). I use it mostly for keeping up to date on severe weather and for following some gaming personalities, though I can't ignore politics entirely on that platform, either.

2019-05-08 03:51:55 UTC

2019-05-08 09:21:18 UTC  

Superpower by 2020

2019-05-08 09:21:24 UTC  

<:swastika:552843030734962688> <:swastika:552843030734962688>

2019-05-08 13:12:31 UTC  

did they drown that one too?

2019-05-08 13:12:31 UTC  

GG @saturnsrings, you just advanced to level 1! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2019-05-08 19:59:47 UTC

2019-05-08 22:12:36 UTC  

That lena raman chick has gone full SJW. She was never an alpha female, weak and stands only for the winning side not for her own.

2019-05-08 22:12:36 UTC  

GG @JayDuhLee, you just advanced to level 1! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2019-05-08 23:48:54 UTC  

@JayDuhLee what happened

2019-05-09 01:03:05 UTC  


2019-05-09 01:03:06 UTC  

GG @eleanor rigby, you just advanced to level 5! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2019-05-09 01:03:52 UTC  

This guy is a congressman from Philly^^

2019-05-09 01:04:15 UTC  

@Mee6 idc

2019-05-11 04:47:46 UTC  

One plant yields way more than 30 grams, and you're allowed to grow 5. Looks like they're trying to lock up a bunch of people on felony marijuana charges.

2019-05-11 14:45:57 UTC  

Lena Ramon is an SJW. She has lost her sense of reality in the desperate attempt to label all hwhite pepo "rAcEsT"

@JayDuhLee Its quite funny how whenever someone disagrees with you on things politically they're suddenly an "SJW". Lena is a pretentious depressed idiot but she's no SJW, she's just a Trad Thot (as are almost all women who aren't openly thots). Anyone who isn't full on conservative, against all forms of liberalism (which includes individuality) is as much cancer as SJWs.

Raman was never "woke" on anything, neither were most people who identify as "Anti SJW".

Both people who are SJWs or identify as "Anti SJW" are both tools for bastards at Bohemian Grove.

Come back to me when you start talking about real problems instead of bitching about idiots with purple hair all day thinking you mean shit.

2019-05-11 18:03:12 UTC  

Why did you type a fucking paragraph of faggotry

2019-05-11 18:03:15 UTC  

I haven’t read it

2019-05-11 18:03:20 UTC  

Nor do I know what it’s about

2019-05-11 18:03:30 UTC  

But long paragraphs are gay

2019-05-11 18:05:40 UTC  

Real talk I read it and I do agree that labeling people who disagree with SJWs is dumb

2019-05-11 18:08:09 UTC  

She was actually the first person I ever called an SJW as we were both mutual members of anti-sjw. (Calling an sjw and SJW isnt an insult to them, as they see themselves in moral high grounds). I only post about it here bc after many attempts to quell her emotions and rekindle any friendship we may of prior had, she blocked me from commenting and standing up for myself and proceeded to delete me off her various attention hungry outlets. So forgive me if I dont hold your opinion of the situation in high standards, my only regret is not having the better screenshots of the more rediculous responses from her and her troupe, as she blocked me before I could get the receipts. It's very sad, that today, those who are repeatedly censored by zuckerberg's platform choose to censor those who they do not agree with, after attempting to bully them unti silence, and taking away any form of verbal defense.

It's ok though. I'm just putting her on blast. I know this isnt how the real world is. And if it was in reality, not VR, I would hope she didnt act like a complete room temp IQ when confronted with scientific evidence such as bio diversity in humans.

2019-05-11 18:08:30 UTC  

An not and*

2019-05-11 18:09:25 UTC  

Into not unti*

2019-05-11 18:11:08 UTC  

Hm... real problems.... if only I could think of real problems....

2019-05-11 21:04:36 UTC  

@JayDuhLee May have, not may of*

@JayDuhLee You shouldn't invest so much time on your hands on who literally is just an Iranian cringe ex Muslim Trad Thot living in California.

2019-05-13 20:06:44 UTC  

^ Standard news day clown world, unfortunately

2019-05-13 20:07:25 UTC  

I blame misguided feminine altruism for most of society's current major issues.

2019-05-13 20:08:57 UTC  

It's hard to know who to blame; women and their stupid ideals/policies, or the cucked men (like that judge) who try to appease them.