Message from @respekistan
Discord ID: 610587177738305550
dont you automatically register by registering to vote?
no shit
Hello. I’m new to this discord.
@respekistan welcome!
This is free speech zone
Hello @respekistan.
I don’t know why progressives are so against gentrification. It’s the only thing that works.
Because rednecks are retarded and can't tell their left from their right
Sadly what I said wasn't supposed to make sense LMAO
I think the democrats should go back to being Dixiecrats
Is this Epstein flight log?
The Grudge 3 shows how the Epstein suicide occurred <:GWcentralPikaLUL:377110562116468766>
Skynet hiss
How will Blumph ever recover?
O got a feeling he already has...
Zimbabwe today
They fucking done it <:crygun:461797181343662080> <:nazi:552843120233152517>