Message from @Sticks

Discord ID: 622212882473680917

2019-09-10 11:11:29 UTC

2019-09-10 16:52:38 UTC  
2019-09-10 17:28:18 UTC  

I heard.
I'm waiting to see what happens next, but if what else I've heard is an indication, I'm not happy.

2019-09-11 13:31:22 UTC  

The sewage is being discharged at about 3,000 liters (nearly 800 gallons) a second xD

2019-09-11 13:31:57 UTC  

that's how the left cares about the environment

2019-09-11 13:34:16 UTC  

We, the Russians built the sewage system in Warsaw, it was the first in the whole Russian Empire, and you Poles can't take of it

2019-09-11 13:34:22 UTC  

don't blame the left

2019-09-12 21:23:18 UTC  

I want to make a very bold proclamation:
Donny will win in 2Ø2Ø, with a possibly party-ending Dem wipeout.
I base this upon gold and silver prices over the last year;
Silver is up an average of 25%, gold is up and average of 1Ø%, and while gold is still up and so much higher than silver that you could almost buy a pound of silver for an ounce of gold, silver is still rising at a **MUCH** higher rate.
The indicators;
When confidence in the economy is strong, silver rises because silver has significant industrial applications. Gold *has been known* to FALL if the economy is good (though that is sometimes a warning sign).
If confidence in the economy is poor, gold rises because it has an intrinsic value, but less industrial value.

2019-09-13 13:13:29 UTC  

The only thing that will bring Trump down is a bad economy. Which is why the media is constantly suggesting we are on the edge of a recession. If the recession does happen before Election Day, he’s out. If it holds, he wins easily.

2019-09-13 16:23:23 UTC  

The media doesn't set gold and silver prices.

2019-09-13 17:21:18 UTC  

The media mind controls investors.

2019-09-13 17:23:09 UTC  

If they want to tank a certain stock or company they target it with misinformation and slander until everyone sells off and shuts them down. Same thing goes for gold and silver. They want the economy to tank so Trump loses. So the narrative is that we are leading to recession even without any real indicators that is remotely true

2019-09-13 17:24:34 UTC  

And yet the opposite is happening...

2019-09-13 17:27:25 UTC  

You’re saying gold and silver are on the rise, which suggests lack of confidence in the dollar. How exactly is that the opposite?

2019-09-13 22:30:41 UTC  

Ok, read it *carefully* this time:
*"Silver is up an average of 25%, gold is up and average of 1Ø%... silver is... rising at a MUCH higher rate... because silver has significant industrial applications. Gold has been known to FALL if the economy is good..."*
I really can not dumb it down any more than that, other than to say that falling gold prices are ussually a bad sign.

2019-09-13 23:31:51 UTC  

Gold is UP

2019-09-13 23:31:56 UTC  

Your own comment

2019-09-13 23:32:36 UTC  

Just because you are saying silver is up too, does not change the fact that gold is rising. You’re arguing your own point. At most you could argue it’s a mixed market

2019-09-13 23:45:51 UTC  

*"Silver is up an average of 25%, gold is up and average of 1Ø%... silver is... rising at a MUCH higher rate..."*
Ok, so I could dumb it down one more.
Huh. Sometimes I amaze even myself.

2019-09-13 23:46:18 UTC  


2019-09-14 00:43:49 UTC  

You’re literally retarded if you can’t see that the fact gold is rising means there is uncertainty in the dollar

2019-09-14 00:44:15 UTC  

So REGARDLESS of everything else around it —> Gold rising means dollar should be falling

2019-09-14 00:44:54 UTC  

Because people think a recession is around the corner. Gold protects people from inflation. People do not buy gold when the dollar is strong or perceived as strong

2019-09-14 00:44:59 UTC  

So stop

2019-09-14 00:48:45 UTC  

Also it’s important to note that silver is another hedge against inflation so it could be more that people are just investing in precious metals because they are concerned about a recession moreso than “it has industrial uses”

2019-09-14 02:54:21 UTC  

No, gold ***WILL*** rise over time, if it *DROPS* you need to start worrying.
That silver is rising *faster* than gold is what's important...
Jesus fucking Christ...

2019-09-14 03:00:57 UTC  

On second thought, you're not ***ABOUT*** to listen to me, so fuck it, I'll let the type of professionals who ***ONLY*** do this subject for thier income speak for themselves:

2019-09-14 18:48:08 UTC  

The article you linked literal states that gold is a hedge against recession / depression / drops in the stock market. It barely mentions silver at all, except that it’s a fucking volatile investment. You’re literally clueless to your initial statement and basically just reiterating what I said but with the opposite argument which is absolutely wrong.

2019-09-14 23:55:01 UTC  

@Sticks, you are now in a mental hole. It does not matter who says what, you're not going to beleive it.
BTW, I did this in '16, and it does NOT day that. Expect no further replies.

2019-09-15 00:02:42 UTC  

you're officially retarded.

2019-09-15 00:02:42 UTC  

GG @Sticks, you just advanced to level 6! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2019-09-15 00:03:19 UTC  

1. In most cases, the gold price rose during the biggest stock market crashes.

2019-09-15 00:03:57 UTC  

Many investors hold gold and silver to hedge against various economic crises.

2019-09-15 00:04:00 UTC  


2019-09-15 00:04:31 UTC  

Now that I have established that you are mentally retarded, have no clue what you are talking about, and that you can't even maintain a legitimate argument, we can end this discussion. Have a good one, snowflake!

2019-09-15 00:05:25 UTC  

However, you’ll see that silver fell less than the S&P in all but one crash. This is significant because silver’s high volatility would normally cause it to fall more.