Message from @Black Plague

Discord ID: 774673503240323073

2020-11-05 03:43:36 UTC

2020-11-05 04:51:15 UTC  
2020-11-05 05:21:50 UTC  

and even Milo (briefly - did not go so well)

2020-11-05 06:13:35 UTC  

GG @AllTrapsGoToHeaven, you just advanced to level 1! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2020-11-05 07:40:39 UTC  

Biden is winning, the left still riots

2020-11-05 11:34:16 UTC  

Trump won. Biden is trying to steal the election.

2020-11-05 17:17:05 UTC  

Antifa will not be placated by a Biden victory. The dems just want people to believe that the rioters are somehow for Biden when they are chanting that they want to destroy the very state of America itself. The political violence and riots are here to stay. If the republicans win the house they'll do to Biden what they the dems did to Trump only this time he will be impeached. Then they impeach harris. Why? Cuz it makes their rivals look bad and to hell with the people on the front lines of the culture war they helped to create.

2020-11-05 17:17:48 UTC  

If Trump still wins and the Dems get the house then they'll impeach him again.

2020-11-05 18:48:43 UTC  

It's a circus

2020-11-06 00:28:14 UTC  

It's circus run by clowns and the show ain't funny

2020-11-06 00:29:04 UTC  

This is a hail mary

2020-11-07 00:58:49 UTC  

Seol is sending diplomats to speak with the Biden campaign on Nov 16. My partner raised an interesting point - if they arrive and interact before the election is settled, then technicall Biden will be acting as a head of state before he is one in violation of the Logan Act, which the dems tried to go after Trump with.

2020-11-07 02:30:38 UTC  

Technically* isn't one* Yes yes, I know I'm a retard.

2020-11-07 16:35:48 UTC  

Biden won.

2020-11-07 16:35:55 UTC  


2020-11-07 19:31:47 UTC  

If the Dems get away with this, there is no hope for America's future

2020-11-08 13:46:25 UTC

2020-11-08 16:50:37 UTC  

@gauravtee very true and good to see you in here

2020-11-09 18:31:08 UTC  

Woke virus at it again

2020-11-11 01:01:09 UTC

2020-11-11 01:01:26 UTC

2020-11-11 01:01:47 UTC  

i dont twitters

2020-11-11 01:05:04 UTC  


2020-11-12 12:04:23 UTC  

The US State Department is blocking Biden from accessing messages from world leaders

2020-11-12 14:45:10 UTC  


2020-11-12 14:45:41 UTC  

He can’t act on any of the messages yet anyways. He can’t speak with leaders diplomatically due to the Logan act

2020-11-12 15:23:50 UTC  

Which is why he should let them through

2020-11-12 15:23:50 UTC  

GG @AllTrapsGoToHeaven, you just advanced to level 2! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2020-11-12 15:24:05 UTC  

Bait Biden into violating the Logan act.

2020-11-12 15:24:08 UTC  

Would be funny as shit

2020-11-12 15:25:50 UTC  

super obvious move

2020-11-12 15:26:22 UTC  

Hedge against litigation, aim at 2024. Don't get tied to a single strategy.