Message from @Blonald Blumph

Discord ID: 587119856432971777

2019-06-08 07:14:55 UTC

2019-06-08 07:14:59 UTC

2019-06-08 07:15:13 UTC

2019-06-08 17:08:52 UTC

2019-06-08 17:30:44 UTC  

Shit waddup

2019-06-08 17:31:19 UTC  

Such degeneracy in this channel

2019-06-08 17:37:39 UTC  

@drugoul at least you are free from zucc here

2019-06-08 17:37:40 UTC  

For now

2019-06-08 17:42:24 UTC  


2019-06-08 17:44:17 UTC  

So funny story about that. So my brother has a different channel on discord called #metoo where he posts hilarious dank memes that easily trigger soi bois. One person he worked with happened to see the triggering posts, so as retaliation, since he couldn't report it on discord, decided to false flag all of his shit on Facebook to oblivion lmfao

2019-06-08 17:45:12 UTC  

My brother found out about it, didnt get banned on Facebook bc it was all bullshit but didnt care anyways, and then saw him at work the next day and just pointed at him and laughed

2019-06-08 17:46:56 UTC  

Now my bro just trolls that passbooK at work everyday.
Btw check out

2019-06-08 19:14:34 UTC  


2019-06-08 19:15:00 UTC  

"One cannot be delusional if the belief in question is accepted as ordinary by others in that person's culture or subculture, or family" psychology explains why the culture shift is why we no longer treat and cure gender dysphoria, but exacerbate it and turn it into a pornographic market.

2019-06-09 02:03:52 UTC  

Let’s just hope Discord wont bend in to leftists @drugoul @Blonald Blumph

2019-06-09 02:18:39 UTC  

Well it's private chats, so yeah let's hope and pray the private chats dont become heavily censored and controlled like the public communications media

2019-06-09 02:18:39 UTC  

GG @drugoul, you just advanced to level 1! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2019-06-09 03:23:21 UTC  

It's happened before I think, but slightly in a different way

2019-06-09 03:24:07 UTC  

For example, I was in a discord called "Red Pill Shark" and there was this jewish bitch in there called "analytical chick"

2019-06-09 03:24:29 UTC  

She got me banned from that specific server for hate speech

2019-06-09 03:24:41 UTC  

Full Zuckerberg kike mode ban

2019-06-09 03:25:12 UTC  

So I says wtvr, no big deal

2019-06-09 03:26:04 UTC  

I'm used to liberals getting butthurt over racist jokes and commentary, but apparently the hook nose is in the conservative side as well

2019-06-09 03:26:55 UTC  

Like a year later I join Tim Pool's discord. And for weeks it's fine. Jokes about blacks, jews, Indians, Mexicans, women you name it

2019-06-09 03:27:37 UTC  

Commentary about how blacks are genetically superior to Native Americans which explains why Africans are doing better in America than the Native Americans, etc.

2019-06-09 03:28:00 UTC  

Then analytical chick shows up in *that* server

2019-06-09 03:28:26 UTC  

Now, I don't think Tim Pool's discord counts as far left or far right. It's pretty centrist

2019-06-09 03:28:46 UTC  

But this conservative kike reports me to the mods for hate speech

2019-06-09 03:28:49 UTC  


2019-06-09 03:28:55 UTC  

And I get kicked from that one too

2019-06-09 03:28:58 UTC  

They infiltrated our safe zone

2019-06-09 03:29:35 UTC  


2019-06-09 03:29:39 UTC

2019-06-09 03:29:51 UTC  

She specifically reported this as anti-semitic

2019-06-09 03:30:26 UTC  

Which I found hilarious, because I never specified race...

2019-06-09 03:31:39 UTC  

Yet I've been in other discords where I say the worst offensive humor, and have been fine. For about 2 years now with no banning

2019-06-09 03:32:06 UTC  

And I call Mexicans taco niggers and cactus niggers and say brown people are made out of poop

2019-06-09 03:32:34 UTC  

And that white people who bitch about blacks in America are retarded because they bought blacks to America

2019-06-09 03:33:02 UTC  

Like how you gonna bring black people to a foreign continent and then bitch that they're there

2019-06-09 03:33:48 UTC  

So each individual discord is ultimately in control of owner and mod. Unlike facebook, it's not determined by universal terms of service

2019-06-09 03:34:24 UTC  

Many, many, many members of that discord continually beg for me to be banned