Message from @Blonald Blumph

Discord ID: 597085969908498462

2019-07-06 15:08:52 UTC

2019-07-06 15:09:16 UTC  

It's not her fault she has a tiny, overemotional woman brain

2019-07-06 15:10:19 UTC  

But I love responses like that, even if copy pasta. It's imperical evidence the demographic change is having a negative effect on IQ averages

2019-07-06 15:12:07 UTC  

Anyone who thinks women and men’s brains are wired the same is a fucking lunatic. And no, it has nothing to do with nature vs nurture or being conditioned.

2019-07-06 15:18:07 UTC  

Yeah they did a study where they exposed typically heterosexual women and men to emotional stimulus. The female brain lit up, synaptic activity everywhere

2019-07-06 15:18:44 UTC  

Comparatively, the male brain fizzled, about .5% of the neural activity of the female brain

2019-07-06 15:21:00 UTC  

Different brain structures between the genders also explain our mating methods

2019-07-06 15:21:16 UTC  

Women wear makeup because males are more visually oriented

2019-07-06 15:21:35 UTC  

Men have to bullshit because bitches be retarded

2019-07-06 15:21:43 UTC  

It's science

2019-07-06 15:22:16 UTC  

Like having a brain the size of a walnut in a head the size of a watermelon

2019-07-06 15:23:08 UTC  

From a neuropsych perspective, it's defined as "environmental stimulus that triggers biological mechanisms for reproductive behavior"

2019-07-06 15:23:28 UTC  

What's "actual science" about "ought" statements? Such as not vaccinating to live on the whim of the elements.

2019-07-06 15:23:32 UTC  

Men see tits, smell pheromones, dick gets hard

2019-07-06 15:23:48 UTC  

Oh you're still tarding out on the vaccines huh

2019-07-06 15:23:51 UTC  


2019-07-06 15:23:58 UTC  

So riddle me this

2019-07-06 15:24:19 UTC  

How did humans survive for thousands of years before vaccines

2019-07-06 15:24:46 UTC  

How have tribes like the Senegalese survived without vaccines to this day

2019-07-06 15:25:19 UTC  

How did humans mutate to develop an immunity to aids? That wouldn't have happened with vaccines

2019-07-06 15:26:28 UTC  

Vaccinations are just exposure to a pathogen in a low dosage so your immune system develops antibodies to it

2019-07-06 15:26:46 UTC  

It's actually rather impressive. Your t cells have a memory system

2019-07-06 15:27:23 UTC  

So let's look at diseases that have mutated and become more aggressive because of antibiotics. I know staph evolved into MRSA

2019-07-06 15:27:52 UTC  

"That wouldn't have happened with vaccines" Claim without evidence

2019-07-06 15:27:53 UTC  

GG @saaara, you just advanced to level 3! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2019-07-06 15:28:05 UTC  

Human intervention in attempted disease elimination produced a more deadly, faster, aggressive pathogen

2019-07-06 15:28:11 UTC  

Oh there is evidence

2019-07-06 15:28:33 UTC  

I take it you've never actually read any real books on the subject

2019-07-06 15:28:43 UTC  

Only mimick Facebook quotes

2019-07-06 15:28:49 UTC  

Poor tiny female brain

2019-07-06 15:29:43 UTC

2019-07-06 15:30:15 UTC  

It's okay that you didn't search for yourself first, to see if you could be easily disproved before making your statement

2019-07-06 15:30:25 UTC  

Your tiny woman brain makes it so

2019-07-06 15:30:30 UTC  


2019-07-06 15:30:43 UTC  

Since you clearly don't understand gene mutation

2019-07-06 15:31:03 UTC  

I'm just going to focus on diseases that mutated due to human intervention

2019-07-06 15:31:35 UTC

2019-07-06 15:31:38 UTC  


2019-07-06 15:31:49 UTC  

Right off the bat look what we've created

2019-07-06 15:33:34 UTC

2019-07-06 15:33:47 UTC  

Huh. I guess I'll narrow my search to vaccines