Message from @Ruthrelad The Savage

Discord ID: 617102751511609344

2019-08-29 21:43:25 UTC  

The amount of control and censorship that exists in modern western society is enough to make Stalin blush. Just like the USSR though the corrupt and bloated evil that is the US will eventually collapse under the weight of its own lies.

2019-08-30 08:31:22 UTC  

This même particularly disgusts me, because Occupy Democrats DIDN’T make it.
While this sounds a lot like the sort of thing they’d say, they didn’t.
It’s infuriating because making fake claims like this is the sort of thing LEFTISTS do; Those of us living in the real world can not use even a petty “joke” like this. We end up cleaning the mess up instead.

2019-08-30 13:17:31 UTC

2019-08-30 15:50:03 UTC  

Like it or not shouting "fire!" in a crowded theatre is free speech. So is slandering someone. Free speech fanatics like to jump through crazy loops to try and create exceptions for why certain strings of words they don't like need to be illegal but at the end of the day words and still only words. Of course they do this to prevent their insane position from appearing insane.

2019-08-30 16:06:36 UTC  

"Like it or not shouting "fire!" in a crowded theatre is free speech."

2019-08-30 16:06:41 UTC  

Um, actually it's not.

2019-08-30 16:06:51 UTC  

That's inciting a public panic.

2019-08-30 16:06:57 UTC  

If there's no fire, that is.

2019-08-30 16:07:39 UTC

2019-08-30 17:27:39 UTC  

@Ruthrelad The Savage
*"So is slandering someone."*
@Lycantheory already covered *shouting fire,* you can not tell a lie about someone in a way to damage thier reputation; Until recently, defamatory statements in print (libel) carried a criminal penalty on top of the tortious penalty (you could go to prison *AND* be sued, rather than just sued).
Don't make a false statement and don't try camouflaging libel/slander with the *"In my opinion"* riff; It doesn't work. A lie remains a lie, *even if it's an opinion.*

*"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."* -I forgot who.

2019-08-30 17:32:58 UTC  

What I am talking about obviously refers to the concept of free speech. In the modern western world there isn't even a pretense of that with things like hate speech laws, "contempt of court" situations, "gag orders" etc. (not to mention the private-public censorship via ANTIFA privateers and state-sponsored media cartels).

2019-08-30 17:47:50 UTC  

If it were obvious, we wouldn't need to say.
And in your own words, *fire in a theater* and slander are *'free speech.'*

2019-08-30 18:43:07 UTC  

It's iNFurIaTInG

2019-08-30 18:43:46 UTC  

Me, not even the slightest bit infuriated.

2019-08-30 18:49:58 UTC  

It's obvious. You're just either being stupid or prentending to be. Legalality has nothing to do with concepts as its nothing more than the mandates of tyrants. Obviously when I am talking about a concept I am talking about, guess what, the concept itself. I really don't know why you tried shoehorning some legal nonsense in.

2019-08-30 19:10:51 UTC

2019-08-30 19:36:04 UTC  

Apparently sliders taste like hookers

2019-08-30 20:56:04 UTC  

Now for something you'll really like: Nuclear weapons of the information war...

2019-08-30 21:04:03 UTC  

@Ruthrelad The Savage
To me.

2019-08-30 21:06:01 UTC  

So this is the famous part where the pigeon knocks the pieces over and shits over the board eh? I am amused.

2019-08-30 21:11:23 UTC  

So hurry up and shit already. Crap, you knocked the peices over anyways...

2019-08-30 21:12:35 UTC  

Oh, my bad: You already shat:

2019-08-30 22:32:11 UTC  

We really got a dummy here saying shouting fire in a crowded theater is free speech? Fucking wild.

2019-08-30 23:48:23 UTC  

You guys know the welcome room in this discord well here is a fuck head lmao

2019-08-30 23:48:45 UTC  

Adverts, says fuck this server then leaves LMAO

2019-08-31 00:25:22 UTC  


2019-08-31 00:37:50 UTC

2019-08-31 00:37:59 UTC

2019-08-31 00:38:04 UTC

2019-08-31 00:39:09 UTC

2019-08-31 01:16:49 UTC

2019-08-31 01:17:04 UTC  

Definitely a trustworthy link

2019-08-31 01:17:10 UTC  

Better click

2019-08-31 01:17:24 UTC  

Or I don't get the lick

2019-08-31 01:17:37 UTC  

On muh dick

2019-08-31 01:17:50 UTC  

I remember when facebook used to have these types of ads

2019-08-31 01:17:54 UTC  

And dope games as well

2019-08-31 01:17:57 UTC  

but nvm that

2019-08-31 01:18:14 UTC  

the game part that is