Message from @kryptonianbeatstoriyama1

Discord ID: 617966126587969537

2019-09-01 20:55:19 UTC  

*Honest* talk;

I need reasoned opinions;

I know a few people who need a self-defense option. All of those I'm thinking of live in countries and states where weapons are banned or significantly restricted.
I could order brass knuckles (a *better than nothing* option), but that means placing them in danger of commiting a crime,
Keep searching for brass knuckle belt buckles suitable for males (female buckles I can find at the corner store, but not for men),
Order regular brass knuckles, try and drill out a hole and tap it for a pin (making it legal) but looking like shit.

¿Which way should I go?

2019-09-01 21:17:25 UTC  

Guns beat Karate every time

2019-09-01 21:30:19 UTC  

Not an option.

2019-09-01 23:27:56 UTC  

Always an option

2019-09-01 23:28:05 UTC  

You can even make your own

2019-09-01 23:28:23 UTC  

There's an air pressure 50 cal for example

2019-09-01 23:29:35 UTC  

Or an air pressured shotgun

2019-09-01 23:29:46 UTC  

It's compressed air instead of combustion

2019-09-01 23:30:14 UTC

2019-09-01 23:30:35 UTC  

Damn nigga edumuhkcate yerselfie

2019-09-01 23:32:10 UTC  

If brass knuckles are illegal, then so are these. I'd rather have one compressed air shot than nothing

2019-09-01 23:38:34 UTC

2019-09-01 23:38:38 UTC

2019-09-01 23:38:44 UTC

2019-09-01 23:38:49 UTC

2019-09-01 23:38:54 UTC

2019-09-01 23:39:11 UTC  

Illegal in faggoty blue libturd states, effective everywhere

2019-09-01 23:39:31 UTC  

Air compressed gun>brass knuckles

2019-09-01 23:39:51 UTC  

Just make sure you pump fast before the next shot is neccessary

2019-09-01 23:39:56 UTC  


2019-09-02 06:16:45 UTC  


2019-09-02 08:49:37 UTC  

@Blonald Blumph
No, really, that's not an option. As in *"2Ø years in prison for whoever has them"* not an option.
I have decided. I will order regular ones and modify them to be legal.

2019-09-02 11:27:47 UTC  


2019-09-02 11:27:48 UTC  

GG @Blonald Blumph, you just advanced to level 14! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.

2019-09-02 11:28:09 UTC  

Brass knuckles are only as good as the person using them

2019-09-02 11:28:56 UTC  

If you're a fat flabby armed sissy pants, most likely brass knuckles will be taken from you and used to knock out some teeth

2019-09-02 14:49:45 UTC

2019-09-02 14:52:43 UTC

2019-09-02 16:41:25 UTC  

@Blonald Blumph
Thanks for answering the question *YOU* wanted to answer, not the one I asked.

2019-09-02 17:22:08 UTC  


2019-09-02 17:22:13 UTC  

It's a fact

2019-09-02 17:23:08 UTC

2019-09-02 17:24:09 UTC  

If someone is physically incapable of defending themselves without brass knuckles...

2019-09-02 17:24:49 UTC

2019-09-02 17:24:58 UTC  

Then a gun is more likely to preserve your life and teeth than anything else. I don't see how that doesn't answer your question

2019-09-02 17:26:07 UTC  

Ok I reread it. Since it's gay either way you may as well drill a hole and make it pink

2019-09-02 17:26:22 UTC  

Probably do better with a brass dildo

2019-09-02 17:30:36 UTC

2019-09-02 18:30:57 UTC  

@Blonald Blumph
*"Guns are only as good as the person using them. If you're a fat flabby armed near sighted geek, most likely a gun will be taken from you and used to shoot you."*
I had ***ONE*** specific question I was asking. I did ***NOT*** ask about guns for a reason. I ***DO*** know about guns, it's not a mystery to me; If I wanted to push my luck, I'd already know what to do (ship a G-27/27 8Ø% build kit and spare clips).
Answering the question I didn't ask tells me your answer is *agenda* driven and has zero to do with helping me answer my actual question *and furthermore...*
I'm sending the to Honk Kong... You know, ¿a nation where all guns are banned? ¿Do you ***REALLY*** think I'm so fucking stupid that I couldn't think of that on my own? (Honestly, that you'd insult my intelligence with this *"You're so fucking stupid, guns only* retard*"* riff is why I'm pissed.)
*¿You done now?* 😠

I'm moving on.

... Dorian is based. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

2019-09-02 18:33:32 UTC  

Ohhh that's dumb

2019-09-02 18:34:02 UTC  

I gaurantee a shotgun is more effective by someone with physical disabilities than brass knuckles