Message from @GodEmperorGillan
Discord ID: 719388820616773692
You can't make this up
She was a jew
Died to gas
Bro I swear this politics shit is gau
GG @crumpe 🤠, you just advanced to level 3! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.
Picture a reality where the trans Atlantic slave trade never happened
smash or pass lads
what "terrorism" they have done ?
Had it with the fucking JRE Discord
the guy who runs it is a major retard - "Mayor"
(JRE = Joe Rogan Experience, which I love; but the Discord is crap, to say the least - the way it's moderated, that is)
GG @Mimi, you just advanced to level 1! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.