Message from @mememaestro
Discord ID: 313867632392667146
"rich wannabe saviours of the workers, bashing the workers"
Lel, I always lol at how they jump and suckerpunch blue collar Trump supporters who are working class to the core
While they themselves are from upper middle class suburbs and go to UC Berkeley or some shit
All the while fighting for the Proletariat
Cognitive dissonance at its finest
I always theorised it with myself that their desire is to be poor of feel like they are poor.
Here they use a lable, don't know if it's common in US after the Trump victory, "right-wing poor" in the same weight as "deplorables"
"Oh my god why do you wanna work hard, preserve your local traditions? This are just MUH MEANS OF OPRESSUIM"
Idk man hahah
In the end we need to realize there is literally no reasoning with them
The brainwashing that they go through makes them into zombies, all they see are NATZEEESSS after a while
When can I be vetted? I read someone is being vetted around 11
@James_Coney - LA was I think
Can i use photos as evidence to speed up the process? lol. I've countered Antifa at the RNC in Cleveland, at Trump's inauguration, and here at home in Cbus
also met silly people like Alex Jones, Thernobitch, Roger Stone, Geert Wilders etc
I can do some vetting later
Official Anticom Shop
nice, i like the shop page, the Jordan Peterson sticker is hilarious
bought some, ill be putting them up on The Ohio State University campus
What's up with Trump leaking shit to the Ruskiez
Trump didn't leak anything
How severe?
not at all
it's nothing
hurr durr he talked to Russia about how to deal with terrorists in Syria
they don
don't want (((their))) terrorists getting blown up by Russia
As I said, he just revealed how. But is cooperation against terrorism for me but for the MSM is "MUH COLD WAR AGAINST HTE RUSSJA"
^CNN Interviews Jared Taylor on White Identity
<@&278459485687644161> Hey, could I get a vetting?
@Alexander B. - SC Join voice chat and ask @Requiem
@James_Coney - LA 👍🏼 @Requiem would you mind vetting me, sir?
@Requiem would you mind vetting me after Alexander?
You want to get vetted, mememeastro?
join one of the chats
@Requiem Can you get me next?