Message from @pjalmighty42

Discord ID: 614645081064079361

2019-08-24 02:12:40 UTC  

Who then embarks a heros journey against a rich, popular huwhite male

2019-08-24 02:12:59 UTC  

Who also is running a sexual assault ring

2019-08-24 02:13:03 UTC  


2019-08-24 02:13:10 UTC  


2019-08-24 02:13:39 UTC  

On this path he finds misfits like himself (which obviously cover all aspects of the leftist paradigm)

2019-08-24 02:13:55 UTC  

Yea she kills herself and it turns into a mystery,male bashing,over dramatic high school representation, beta males, its the sjw paradise but bryce the bad guy makes it watch able

2019-08-24 02:14:06 UTC  

Pretty much being a strong straight male is a sin

2019-08-24 02:14:22 UTC  

Double sin if youre rich and white

2019-08-24 02:14:56 UTC  

Which isnt of your doing in the first place but whatever shallow stories dont deserve deep dives

2019-08-24 02:15:16 UTC  

See, everything at and after "but..." is disregarded.

2019-08-24 02:15:52 UTC  

It's not mysterious. The new Vietnamese girl at the school, Sum Dum Bich, couldn't handle life and opted out. That's not how a story starts, that's how a story ends.

2019-08-24 02:15:58 UTC  

A boring story, no less.

2019-08-24 02:16:43 UTC  

Like I tell depressed people “if you dont like it here, you can always leave”

2019-08-24 02:17:36 UTC  

They should give all those characters ropes and bleach and let them have more than 13 reasons why

2019-08-24 02:18:19 UTC  

Exactly. The reason you watch SJW shows is to know exactly what *not* to do in your stories.

2019-08-24 02:18:45 UTC  

It's more like looking at a minefield and spotting all the craters.

2019-08-24 02:18:53 UTC  

Those mines blew up, walk there.

2019-08-24 02:19:02 UTC  

The wet patch is brains, don't worry about it.

2019-08-24 02:19:17 UTC  

...if you could stand the mind-numbing libtarded garbage enough to sit through the mess...

2019-08-24 02:19:37 UTC  

This bugs me about a lot of shows, you will also quickly start to notice that women writers are predominantly writing the worst episodes.

2019-08-24 02:20:06 UTC  

well, that should be obvious

2019-08-24 02:20:11 UTC  

Go watch Supernatural, keep an eye out for the woman writers, and notice how the brothers only really have their melodrama when women are writing.

2019-08-24 02:20:29 UTC  

When men are writing, brothers call each other stuff like "Bitch!" casually. Like brothers do.

2019-08-24 02:20:37 UTC  

nevermind that, SNL with that Jew bitch writing "comedy" is bad ebough...

2019-08-24 02:20:42 UTC  


2019-08-24 02:20:49 UTC  

which jew bitch?

2019-08-24 02:20:54 UTC  

Tina Fey, I think the name was

2019-08-24 02:20:58 UTC  

Exactly in my stories i have killing, sex, drowning, alot of blood, women being called b's, alot of comedy

2019-08-24 02:21:11 UTC  

pjal coming in here with the second most generic categorization of comedy writer possible.

2019-08-24 02:21:17 UTC  

she completely sucks as a comedy writer/producer...

2019-08-24 02:21:43 UTC  

I don't watch SNL. Never did. Never cared for it.

2019-08-24 02:21:48 UTC  

well, as long as it's a category...

2019-08-24 02:22:04 UTC  

neither does anyone else, really...

2019-08-24 02:22:56 UTC  

I get physical sick watching the shows my body and mind are repulsed by it

2019-08-24 02:23:25 UTC  

Try watching season 1 of Andromeda to see the development of a story, and then season 2 to observe what happens when plebs turn a burgeoning sci fi epic into an episodic shit show.

2019-08-24 02:23:44 UTC  

And then season 5 to see what happens when no one has a fuck left to give.

2019-08-24 02:25:16 UTC  

...or just watch the last couple of Star Wars movies...

2019-08-24 02:25:26 UTC  

or not and save your braincells

2019-08-24 02:25:49 UTC  

I learn how not to be beta at all seeing betas reminds me to take more redpills

2019-08-24 02:26:01 UTC  

Oh, yeah, The Last Jedi is basically a case study in how to be a woke sjw shitshow.