Message from @shadow007

Discord ID: 615286679326031897

2019-08-25 20:33:03 UTC  

I wish in high school someone used that statement on someone “white heterosexual cisgender man” we would just make fun of the person til they cried and told the school staff

2019-08-25 20:33:04 UTC  

like how they even made a separate identity for your gender is like Mindblowing lol 😄

2019-08-25 20:36:35 UTC  

Its sick but planned

2019-08-25 20:38:35 UTC  

Sucks man, because most guys are sharp and avoid interactions so it doesnt harm their ability to provide and make a living because who knows who you’re going to be talking to. Which harms guys because if we could link up, it would one another alleviate pent up stress. We could correspond over issues and just go out and what not.

2019-08-25 20:39:02 UTC  

It would be great if we had a high speed hyperloop connecting the entire US

2019-08-25 20:39:15 UTC  

That way, the isolated morons in the cities could get a reality check

2019-08-25 20:39:36 UTC  

And they'd stop fucking drooling like morons on the altars of fake news organizations.

2019-08-25 20:40:02 UTC  

Yeah that would be great

2019-08-25 20:41:28 UTC  

look i sympathize with ppl that truly feel like they are in the wrong body sorta speak(i have know and know a few ppl that do) and this has been happening for a long time and not just now(Native American's had transppl in their community) They were treated like any other member of the tribe. and still are. However the way it has been going now is just bonkers. like truly defy all logic and sense. And the open hate against 'Normal people' or the cis gender ones is just like What and then they celebrate how they humiliate us. If you all where truly honest in your beliefs and moral.Then you should lead by example and not make the same mistakes 'normal people' did. And the reason i used 'Normal people' like that is Cause there are no normal people is just what they call us

2019-08-25 20:42:41 UTC  

If they are truly honest*

2019-08-25 20:43:48 UTC  

they instead of you* makes a bit of difference and im not in anyway referring to the MGTOW com in this rant above btw;) its just a rant:p

2019-08-25 20:46:19 UTC  

They want to be the leisure class and people in authority.

2019-08-25 20:46:29 UTC  

The way they’re entering the schools

2019-08-25 20:47:02 UTC  

Twerking in-front of children, young school kids reading about gay penguins and even tranny stories.

2019-08-25 20:47:17 UTC  

yeah and that is why i am freaking out:D im like You guy's are chopping your own body parts of and you wanna be in control? Yikes:D

2019-08-25 20:48:20 UTC  

I agree with you about not having a problem with individuals who have an imbalance hormonally, mentally and/or psychologically which leads them to believe that they’re not consciously what they’re shows.

2019-08-25 20:48:25 UTC  

i don't have respect for them, because they 1 don't live in objective reality and 2 everyone hates there body, do something about it.

2019-08-25 20:48:49 UTC  

you don't think every fat person hates there body? does that mean that they can identify as skinny?

2019-08-25 20:49:23 UTC  

However when they (and they usually do) obtain a collectivist idea and then use political means to get their way, now I have an issue.

2019-08-25 20:49:26 UTC  

@Mr.Black you think they alrdy don't do that? They do man:D

2019-08-25 20:49:35 UTC  

@YuriBezmenov yep i agree

2019-08-25 20:49:38 UTC  

trust me, i am well aware

2019-08-25 20:50:06 UTC  

like i said, i have no respect for them because they are living in a bubble that they choose to do nothing about

2019-08-25 20:50:32 UTC  

and then demand that YOU conform to their bubble

2019-08-25 20:50:37 UTC  

Right, the idea of respect and how it should be given to everyone on no basis other than their existence is absurd.

2019-08-25 20:50:49 UTC

2019-08-25 20:50:51 UTC  


2019-08-25 20:50:54 UTC  

@ everyone

2019-08-25 20:50:56 UTC  

respect is earned

2019-08-25 20:50:58 UTC  

You earn respect.

2019-08-25 20:51:28 UTC  

Yes 😄 µ

2019-08-25 20:51:32 UTC  

Gimme my reactions

2019-08-25 20:51:43 UTC  


2019-08-25 20:51:51 UTC  

What's up @Bozingle

2019-08-25 20:51:53 UTC  

Participation trophy

2019-08-25 20:52:02 UTC  

Hey repo

2019-08-25 20:52:20 UTC  

anywho i have rice that needs to be fried

2019-08-25 20:53:00 UTC  

There's just 1 gender now

2019-08-25 20:53:02 UTC  


2019-08-25 20:53:52 UTC  

I mean, some people try to distinguish themselves for things that everybody else already does.