Message from @Leaf
Discord ID: 771978416614146059
I havent played Xbox in so long
My Xbox broke a while back during a thunderstorm
Oh rip
lightning and stuff struck very close by and it shook my house
shook my xbox right off the shelf lmaooo
That’s crazy
What do we put for our team names? Like in game names?
And eventually, we got it fixed but my dumbass brother broke his
and since Im a good person I gave my recently fixed xbox to him
Dang that’s nice
Oh btw
I got my Xbox for a specific reason
Lemme send a pic of it lol...
Trump 2020
Shoot I gtg
Night y’all
OK guys... I am out for the night! See y'all on the battlefield tomorrow!
@q17_shadow -> moon2A [stop spamming emotes] [warning]
Y’all just remember no matter who wins tomorrow just have fun
Or today cause it’s the next day sorry
We will win
GG @Supreme Leader Trump, you just advanced to level 1!
It don’t matter in the end we all win cause u meet new people and have fun
By the way love the name lol
<@!429491539228491783> -> There's more where that came from. [stop spamming caps] [warning]
trump 2020!!!
Trump 2020 babyyyy’
Gen Z Right Wing Trump 2020 bro
American Nationalists for Trump!
Right Wing Libertarians for Trump!