Message from @SonicTaunt
Discord ID: 773580704704364574
Both of these were called early too
Really makes you wonder! 🤨
It does for sure!!
All that’s left for Arizona votes are red counties
Or what you could say is Arizona could be flipped
Because of so called 128,000 brand new votes all for Joe
That's ridiculous... there is no way that happened. It amazes me that they think anyone is going to buy this!
Americans don't buy it anymore.
SO grateful we have Amy Coney Barrett. We need her.
This election is filled with fraud its terrible
If the dems stack the SCOTUS it won't matter that we have ACB. And Kavanaugh has been a massive disappointment
Yeah but I thing Republicans might hold the senate
So they cannot stack the court
I hope so!!
But we need the presidency... if the Dems hold the House and the WH we are screwed
Ye this was big time cheating over night we would have won Wisconsin but no no no Joe gets 130,000 more votes just in his name and in some county’s they have more votes that registred. We also would have one Michigan but nope because dumb *ss sleepy joe gets another 500,000 votes and trump gets none. This is not ok we would have won the election by now and be celebrating with another G4T tournament. This is fraud and also in Arizona they made the people who voted for trump write in sharpies and then through the ballot out because they knew it was in sharpie. I don’t know what’s happening to America right now but I would agree that if Trump loses it is because of fraud.
no one loses a lead like that over night
No 500,00
got it, wasn't sure
Ye this was big time cheating over night we would have won Wisconsin but no no no Joe gets 130,000 more votes just in his name and in some county’s they have more votes that registred. We also would have one Michigan but nope because dumb *ss sleepy joe gets another 500,000 votes and trump gets none. This is not ok we would have won the election by now and be celebrating with another G4T tournament. This is fraud and also in Arizona they made the people who voted for trump write in sharpies and then through the ballot out because they knew it was in sharpie. I don’t know what’s happening to America right now but I would agree that if Trump loses it is because of fraud.
I agree
This is going to Court
No it will go to court but if it does trump will prob lose. 😔
not if it goes to the supreme court, since we know have ACB
GG @SonicTaunt, you just advanced to level 4!
quickly, congrats to both Oklahoma and West Virginia for being completely red!
just to lighten the mood
People are just cheating
It’s disappointing
Yeah... there is no way the president lost a 500k vote lead overnight... it smells rotten.
Ya like why would u do that
voter fraud at it's finest