Message from @LOGICWINS

Discord ID: 559932289769799680

2019-03-26 02:45:25 UTC  

True. But there men tend to get divorce raped.

2019-03-26 02:45:35 UTC  


2019-03-26 02:45:44 UTC  

@YuriBezmenov But if men are asexual...they would naturally find new motivaition

2019-03-26 02:46:06 UTC  

We could've had superpowers by now

2019-03-26 02:46:10 UTC  

Would be a beautiful world

2019-03-26 02:46:15 UTC  

Time travel

2019-03-26 02:46:24 UTC  

Sex bots as well

2019-03-26 02:46:59 UTC  

Men becoming A-sexual would be the death of mankind. I don't know what y'all are on about.

2019-03-26 02:47:22 UTC  

@Psychedelic Corpse Fucker This is assuming we could reproduce without women of course

2019-03-26 02:47:35 UTC  

If 50% of marriages end in divorce i wonder how many out of the 50% stay just for financial, religion, kids, and age 🤔 🤔 🤔

2019-03-26 02:48:02 UTC  


2019-03-26 02:48:03 UTC  

@LOGICWINS And again. I don't like the idea of giving birth that sounds fucking horrifying and an abominable.

2019-03-26 02:48:13 UTC  

@frugalcasper can't argue with that

2019-03-26 02:48:45 UTC  

@Psychedelic Corpse Fucker You would cum into a petri dish and the nerd would take your cum and bring you a baby in 6 months

2019-03-26 02:48:58 UTC  

You don't have to give birth

2019-03-26 02:49:42 UTC  

@LOGICWINS but we need the law suits

2019-03-26 02:49:48 UTC  

Again, where's the fun in that? It's the little things that make life worth living, IMO.

2019-03-26 02:50:12 UTC  

I can see why you would do it, I just wouldn't personally do it.

2019-03-26 02:50:26 UTC  

How are we ganna keep the useless 50% of the population from bitching more then usually?????!?!?!

2019-03-26 02:50:55 UTC  

@Psychedelic Corpse Fucker So you're saying you only want reproduction by crempie?

2019-03-26 02:51:00 UTC  


2019-03-26 02:53:06 UTC  

Sure. Whatever. I personally like to feel manly. Bending something over, breeding it, and filling it with my seed sound pretty manly. Jacking off into a dish and going about my day doesn't. Well, to me anyway.

2019-03-26 02:53:19 UTC  

@LOGICWINS Just me personally.

2019-03-26 02:53:58 UTC  

Anyone seen the Hentai Comic where some little girls a Man took care gave chocolates that made them grow fast and busty and horny

2019-03-26 02:54:12 UTC  

I have the link

2019-03-26 02:54:27 UTC  

@Fecktoi That's an impossible task. They will always bitch too much. The thing is to make sure they don't have the power to fuck everything up.

2019-03-26 02:54:51 UTC  

@frugalcasper but we need the law suits bc reasons

2019-03-26 02:55:13 UTC  

CNN said it was a good idea and we can always trust them

2019-03-26 02:55:55 UTC  

Don't be too sarcastic goy. CNN deserves all the trust

2019-03-26 02:56:02 UTC  

@MoonCore No disrespect, but I struggled to derive information from your recent post.

2019-03-26 02:57:45 UTC  

Speaking of CNN remember them blaming video games for Sandy Hook? Well apparently the guy mostly played fucking bejeweled

2019-03-26 02:57:50 UTC  

Also, CNN would convince you to mutilate your manhood if it fit their agenda.

2019-03-26 02:58:20 UTC  


2019-03-26 02:59:14 UTC  

@Fecktoi That's the worst game of them all! The jewels explode when you line them up!

2019-03-26 02:59:23 UTC  

The fact that sweden isnt sweden anymore but an ISIS hotspot makes me feel sad

2019-03-26 02:59:43 UTC  

A bwautiful Culture destroyed by Globalism

2019-03-26 02:59:44 UTC  

@MoonCore Another case study in giving women power

2019-03-26 02:59:49 UTC  

Poor Sweden, lol.

2019-03-26 02:59:51 UTC  


2019-03-26 03:00:17 UTC  

@Psychedelic Corpse Fucker i guess now if you play bejeweled you'll shoot up a new england elementary school

2019-03-26 03:00:21 UTC  

@Psychedelic Corpse Fucker go through <#488450067951517696> and typr thr name