Message from @GamersForTrump

Discord ID: 797323343174041620

2021-01-09 04:10:39 UTC  


2021-01-09 04:10:51 UTC  

Just waiting for it to show you're in room

2021-01-09 04:12:15 UTC  

Elvis, what time does it show it's at now ?

2021-01-09 04:15:53 UTC  

President Trump is NOT at fault for what those morons did at the capital

2021-01-09 04:16:14 UTC  

He NEVER ONCE siad that they should do that and REPEATEDLY called for PEACEFUL demonstration

2021-01-09 04:16:30 UTC  

He didn't say he was responsible.

2021-01-09 04:16:41 UTC  

And those people were ADULTS and responsible for their own frigging choices

2021-01-09 04:17:07 UTC  

I was referring to Elvis's comments @DariusGalaxyz

2021-01-09 04:17:40 UTC  

Me too, he even said not saying Trump meant for it to happen

2021-01-09 04:19:33 UTC  

Elvis said that if he 9president Trump) hadn't told them to go to the capitol it would not have happened... that is not true

2021-01-09 04:19:53 UTC  

The march to the capitol was planned LONG before he decided to march with them or said anything about it

2021-01-09 04:20:27 UTC  

And he never told them to break in... he told them to raise their voices so that the republicans inside would have the courage to stand up

2021-01-09 04:21:56 UTC  

Well, different people have different viewpoints. Not everybody agrees with everything about Trump. We still should respect differences of opinion.

2021-01-09 04:22:04 UTC  

We don't have to agree with it

2021-01-09 04:22:20 UTC  

Hello Everyone!
It sounds like big tech is starting to get aggressive about purging platforms of Trump supporters. If our Discord happens to get deplatformed, in the next few days, please refer to the following:

1. Go to and as soon as I can have the webdesigner make the changes to the site, an alternative platform will be announced.

2. Send me an email at [email protected] so we can stay connected.

3. Go to @GamersforTrump_ on Twitter or @GamerForTrump45 on Parler.

Hold the line, Gamers for Trump Patriots!

2021-01-09 04:24:51 UTC  

Twitter is taking down conservative handles as well so that might also be taken down... but everyone should follow both Twitter for as long as we have it and Parler.

2021-01-09 04:25:07 UTC  

I have left twitter entirely since they have permanently banned our prsident

2021-01-09 04:30:07 UTC  

Trending on Twitter my brother sent

2021-01-09 04:35:25 UTC

2021-01-09 04:38:06 UTC  

Up to 100k now and rising he said

2021-01-09 04:46:24 UTC  

Never said he told them to. But if he had not said go to the capital it wouldn’t have happened. Yes what happens was because of idiots.

2021-01-09 04:49:41 UTC  

You said that part, I responded to that with a separate message, lol.

2021-01-09 04:49:43 UTC  

2021-01-09 04:56:56 UTC  

So what’s next for conservatives

2021-01-09 05:03:28 UTC  

@Elvis Presley The march to the capitol was planned from the start and would have happened whether or not the president had said anything about it. The president suprised everyone when he said in his speech that we would walk with them.. it was not planned that he would join them. Stop blaming the president for the march. It would have happened whether or not he said anything because it was PLANNED

2021-01-09 05:04:57 UTC  

I had friends at that event and I know the people who were speaking at who helped plan it... there were supposed to be speakers at the capitol building... but the morons who broke in derailed those speeches. They were ALWAYS going to do that march!!

2021-01-09 05:09:33 UTC  

I was there to and had no clue about the planning that would be my fault. I shouldn’t jump to conclusions

2021-01-09 05:09:43 UTC  

I’m sorry about that

2021-01-09 05:11:11 UTC  

Just made a second burner Twitter account guys

2021-01-09 05:11:17 UTC

2021-01-09 05:11:40 UTC  

They just purged hella tweets from Goodbye Twitter

2021-01-09 05:12:46 UTC  

Yes... several friends of mine were supposed to speak at a rally at the capitol building before the ruckus derailed the rally... including Brandon Straka, Alex Jones, Dr. Cordie Williams and Dr. Simone Gold... None of them ever got to speak because of the turmoil

2021-01-09 05:15:00 UTC  

It’s funny how everyone who’s uneducated and liberal refers to Trumpies as klan members. But they were the ones who created the klan and slavery. Am I correct or was I taught something different from y’all?

2021-01-09 05:20:40 UTC  

Since then I’ve reported Joe Biden for targeted harassment about 100 times.

2021-01-09 05:20:53 UTC  

Don’t tell me I can’t do that either.

2021-01-09 05:22:55 UTC  

No.. you were taught correctly... the clan was started by democrats

2021-01-09 05:24:33 UTC

2021-01-09 05:40:36 UTC  

@VladTheImpaler The thing is that they say there was a big switch of the parties back in the 1960s, but there really wasn't a switch.