Message from @Ulstèr-Scotch
Discord ID: 304087650908766210
@Ulstèr-Scotch never said he was said ireland became a theocratic fascist state
after they became a national socialist state
Ireland was never national socialist kek
Actually I guess it's possible
@Ulstèr-Scotch you sound jelly they werent nazi's they were nationalists who were socialists
That guy has survived cancer and a plane crash
I don't think anyone has ever given less of a fuck
there removed the gay lolli porn
If you think that they were National socialist then you must think ireland today is fucking national socialist
Socialist laws with a nationalist government
no i dont you know there policies today are nuffin like the past there barely socialist or nationalist
goverments and partys change look at the tories
So because the church had much power back then they were theocratic fascists?
Next you're going to tell me the British empire were actually the galactic empire
yes they had say over the laws
look at franco's spain
So something is happening in Berkeley on the 27th
How many of /ourguys/ will be going
Also do you lads have your equipment ready?
As per the 1937 Irish Constitution the only institutions which the church had control over was marriage laws
Battle of Berkley 5: The Berkleying
Guys, Bring Motherfucking Scutums
u think at was the case then ur a mong
Keep in mind, Antifa has been stealing our ideas so they might have armor too as well as other things up their sleeves
Francos Spain was Fascist yes
I don't care about Ireland
Ireland was and never has been fascist