Message from @Qrabitt

Discord ID: 785667488125419561

2020-12-08 00:34:40 UTC  

The case would be for fraud and malpractice in the election period, which would be Biden's camp.

2020-12-08 00:35:28 UTC  

OK gotcha, thanks for clearing that up for me

2020-12-08 00:35:36 UTC  


2020-12-08 00:36:15 UTC  

At what stage, or what happens in scotus, for the votes to go by state in the house and Senate?

2020-12-08 00:36:32 UTC  

Or will that rule not apply to this case?

2020-12-08 00:37:17 UTC  

Getting tired of telling my mom and other Trump supporters I know in RL that Trump won and stop being so doubting and down. Did not Trump warn "RIGGED ELECTION" for MONTHS? Do people not believe he had no planned for this? I remind them of the Military who was already on his side, but for good measure he cleaned out the Pentagon and DOD

2020-12-08 00:37:28 UTC  

If the SCOTUS rules Biden is out, it won't matter

2020-12-08 00:37:36 UTC  

Trump will 2nd term

2020-12-08 00:38:01 UTC  

Yeah ppl don't want to see it at all. They still belive2the lies and cannot see what's right in front of them

2020-12-08 00:38:47 UTC  

Yeah even Trump supporters are depressed and even though I remind them over and over they seem to think Trump can't do anything, the other side is too powerful they don't care

2020-12-08 00:39:04 UTC  

I remind them again and again Trump planned for this and has the military and will be using it

2020-12-08 00:39:09 UTC  

Yeah I'm seeing a lot of that.

2020-12-08 00:39:13 UTC  

But they still are doubtful

2020-12-08 00:39:35 UTC  

Many are impatient.

2020-12-08 00:39:45 UTC  

I can understand why tho. But it all has to play out

2020-12-08 00:39:56 UTC  

They want it done now, the closer we get to so called deadlines the more angry some become

2020-12-08 00:40:23 UTC  

And ppl put dates on things, then it doesn't come to fruition, then they get mad. When they're the ppl who made up the dates lol

2020-12-08 00:41:47 UTC  


2020-12-08 00:41:51 UTC  

Q never gave dates

2020-12-08 00:41:59 UTC  

People created them thinking he did

2020-12-08 00:42:06 UTC  


2020-12-08 00:42:40 UTC  

Q did give coding, but that was for certain people

2020-12-08 00:42:59 UTC  

Some for Anons, but also more complicated stuff(other military I think)

2020-12-08 00:43:06 UTC  

He also gave definitive answers

2020-12-08 00:43:11 UTC  


2020-12-08 00:43:44 UTC  

Who is the most powerful? Soros? MSM? Deep State? No, POTUS is the most powerful

2020-12-08 00:43:58 UTC  

Then there was "In the end it would always end with the military"

2020-12-08 00:44:09 UTC  

With the promise "Nothing can stop what is coming"

2020-12-08 00:44:19 UTC  

Yup, exactly that

2020-12-08 00:45:53 UTC  

Q never spoke of anything related to JFK Jr, there was no time travel, no spiritual talk of ascension and UFOs, people added that, that was what QAnon was, it wass Anons taking Q and creating a group, and that allowed the enemy to target and attack it

2020-12-08 00:46:01 UTC  

Q even said that

2020-12-08 00:46:32 UTC  

Yes I hate when ppl do that

2020-12-08 00:46:53 UTC  

Ppl can believe what they want about all that stuff, but keep it sepearate from Q

2020-12-08 00:47:53 UTC  

Q even repremanded someone who did that, made him into a glorified figure. He seemed pretty angry

2020-12-08 00:48:32 UTC  

Julians rum has just been suspended

2020-12-08 00:48:39 UTC  

And yeah he did

2020-12-08 00:48:54 UTC  

He was why?

2020-12-08 00:49:17 UTC  


2020-12-08 00:49:35 UTC  

I just read a post of his from earlier

2020-12-08 00:50:25 UTC  

Yeah they just got. Any idea what his last post was?

2020-12-08 00:50:52 UTC  

I know that Monkeywerks was quoted and he shared that increased military aircraft, especially to the Gitmo area has been happening but also pointed out Biden has been using Green screens