Message from @dizbrah
Discord ID: 796021865205465089
jpg vs png
zoom in and u'll see the difference
also funni thing the png has higher res (1280x800) than the jpg (993x765), but its not even x2 the size as the jpg
and way better quality
(i edited it and fixed the jpg quality)
everyone says png lole
fuck jpeg
PNG is the superior file type
>muh jplgbtq is better >:(
fuck off nigger jpeg hasnt even trans(parency) support
literal nigger quality
kill yourself
im sorry to hear that
i havent eaten in 120 hours
How long are you gonna go for?
21 days
Skelly mode
Do I look like I know hwat the hell a jay peg is?
thats pretty impressive
@gamerlord the internet doesnt think my surname is real
Prollyy isn't
it is real
It's isreal?
no it's not israel
but it is real
@gamerlord wok eup to late now i cant take dog up hill
Early bird gets the worm
i was awake
just took a nap
Goin to the supplement store later what should I get. Gettin vitamin d & fish oil rn but thinking about some others
ok who made this