Message from @Heat00veride
Discord ID: 793485566708678686
That's why during this Plandemic my family and I went to Niagara falls constantly
The whole red pilling to make someone free is a losing battle. The vibes you give off when you free yourself from the bullshit attracts others and can make people enlighten themselves. We aren’t the druids or sorcerers. Well maybe some of us are
No matter what, as long as the govt has eminent domain, no one is truly free because even your private property can just be taken From you
Don’t pay the taxes, fuck you pay me
Don’t pay your car insurance fuck you pay me
Taxes are paid under threat of physical force
Yep that’s one of my biggest disagreements with him quasi
One of the few, I should say
That's what I talked about.. Create your own path
Yep that and what he said about confiscating guns. That turned me off
Yes I prolly broke some rules but I wasn't held down
Other than that I’ve been like 99% on board with him
You can't walk the path until you become the path
Freedom is a perspective which sadly, not everyone wants.
It's all going to be on undercover billionaire.
They filmed us during the lockdown
No masks
Well fuck me running... this shit is 🔥
What’s that?
I think the same Ben I think people are scared of freedom
Those that are scared of freedom are welcome to move to China.
Yea @Heat00veride
That video I just posted implicates Hunter, Joe, Pelsoi and Bloomberg as China traitors
On January 6th the next season of undercover billionaire comes out and they covered our martial Arts place.
Last season they did underdog BBQ here in Erie
Oh I never heard of that before heat
Nice, let us know when it will air
Hollywood brought in tons of film crew no fucks given
January 6th
@Heat00veride well have to DVR it, we’re gonna be busy on Jan 6!
But we had a mask mandate which all of us ignored.
God damnit heat
That’s like a break in the simulation.
January 6 really? 😂
Nothing else important going on that day
That's fine.. It's a whole season
@xBenJamminx you going to the big party in dc?
So they're going to paint the picture that covid shut us down but in fact it was filmed during the mandate..
Hollywood didn't care and Glenn Sterns is a billionaire. The rules don't apply to them
Nah but I’ll probably do a lot of streaming that day. @vlynnQ