Discord ID: 773401761816772648
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Freedom funny
You can't walk the path until you become the path
I think the same Ben I think people are scared of freedom
They find more ways every day
Covid is finally waking people up to the fact that we are loosing our freedoms I just wish more were already in the loop
This has been a long game
And facts are that were once easy to find are now being buried
@Tye_jaye yup it was in our faces for a long time I would get laughed at mentioning the very thing that are happening now
We need to see the plan. Think china and social credit score it's coming... crypto and contact tracing is the method of control
No they dont
They don't stop you from getting covid so no they don't work
This mRNA is something we have never taken its unlike any vaccine we have used before
Either does the medical world lol but the clinical studies on RNA vaccines aren't good
@Azy @Tay๐บ๐ธ what how can't you trust a "vaccine" called nanoluciferase
Lucifer seems fitting
What's not scary about it@ZachInTulsa
@Tye_jaye yup what's fucked is all of Ontario is in lock down yet I'm allowed to work and I am at work right now and I am training a guy side by side but it will be illegal if me and him got together for drinks after work ๐คฆ
Makes sense ๐
Where's the dump
I was on the site don't see anything new
@Tiffany what are you alluding too?
I see what your saying. I've been seeking truth for a long time and find there are a lot of people in this group that are just getting there feet wet with this type of stuff
So they don't see it the same
Same in Ontario Canada
What's with the jail pics
Is there a jail now? Ok m confused
@Tye_jaye not dirty but I always laugh ....Michael Jackson and Mickey mouse are the same person....they both wear white gloves with tight pants they both have like playing with kids and have amusement parks in there back yard and they are both black with white faces ๐คท makes you think lol
Wh have lost the simple thing called choice
How about if you are scared and worried STAY THE FUCK HOME! and let others live the way they see fit
People need to wake up...but it's mandated ๐
Who didn't lol
Ohhh you mean this kamala
@DaddysaurusREX your free to leave and I think you should your # is #0666
He gone
Hey @0666 you block me? Lmao I think your in the wrong group don't you have a manager to call๐คฃ
@imaman I think you need a better news source just saying if your on here for news your still following someone do some research and form your own thoughts stop living on a news cycle
Ok I was just replied to your post that said you come here for news and didn't like dick jokes
We need to stop putting blind faith in politics we are the change
When will we all realize that change has to come from us not from some donkey that's hand picked to govern
What kind of red pills
It's here has been for a while
China's social credit is our future unless we stand strong
Cause that's the plan@xBenJamminx
Divide and conquer
Turn us into china with a social credit system
And social crimes
Look at Microsoft patent 666
Contact tracing and digital currency (666 patient) a new lease on rules under the guidance of "safety" ohh nanoluciferase "vaccine" things are on course
@Budjola yup not mandatory but can't be part of society without one but whose forcing lol
Micro dot tattoos next
Sorry Quantum dot tattoos if that makes anyone feel better
All systems are in play at this point
We are going to start to hear a lot more about digital currency as a must we are already seeing the crypto push
All while we sit on our hands and wait for a a savior
@AmandaAustraliaPatriot I'm in Ontario Canada we aren't allowed to celebrate New year with anyone but our family
Opps does that count as porn๐
What other chat? @caliireddpill did I trigger you lol
@Tye_jaye lol it matches
@WhiteLightning โก worst is I've seen a vid of a girl wearing one ๐
@caliireddpill I think most are here cause they don't follow rules lol if I did I'd still have a social media account...man people are too sensitive
Lol call the manager
It's a meme and a good one at that
@caliireddpill it was one meme calm down
@caliireddpill while I think someone needs a sense of humour
A and b
Wow we have real sex Nazis lol
@TimmEh Sudbury
Yup we have quite a bit of snow atm
I think we need a new chat lol memes hurt feelings
Is food porn allowe
That steak is sexy though
@WhiteLightning โก really? Wow
1 meme
Sad world guys calm down one little meme
Where's this other chat I feel like I'm at church
@caliireddpill news all see is twitter posts
@xBenJamminx I'm told this is a news chat only wheres the conspiracy chat?
Lots of sensitive people in here are you sure they took the red pill or just licked it ๐
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