Message from @JayLaugh
Discord ID: 793492771125198859
Not shitting overly on people in the group cuz y’all seem like decent folks but look at the daily panic buttons that get pressed in here alone
I'll say it feels great to have control over what my family and I do. Both my wife and daughter share my feelings as well. At 9 my daughter is woke and highly dangerous
It’s our whole generation (18-50yr olds) none of us have ever really sacrificed
For something other then our own needs
We’re not really free. We’re forced to pay taxes under threats of physical force. We don’t really own our private property because it can be taken away.
What's the best is my daughter said work shouldn't try to control you. You're a good dad.. Thanks mini
That is true.. They will always find a way
A latte for a regular coffee because they didn’t have almond milk
They find more ways every day
Over the last year though I cheated up a lot of my debt. I took their money and did not spend it the way they wanted.
Covid is finally waking people up to the fact that we are loosing our freedoms I just wish more were already in the loop
This has been a long game
It’s sad it’s taken until covid for some people to wake up. Sadly covid (agenda 21) was something we needed to wake up to a generation or two ago. It’s too far gone it feels like.
The one thing I have going for me is I only owe 8000$ on my house. I have almost 10k in savings.
And facts are that were once easy to find are now being buried
My job is losing their shit anyway... Our customers don't buy shit
George Carlin would had either been killed or cancelled by now if he hadn't passed.
He said this back in the 70s in their faces
I just wanna be like.. Told you sooooo
@Tye_jaye yup it was in our faces for a long time I would get laughed at mentioning the very thing that are happening now
That's why I'm such a rebel
I tell y'all all the time DEMOLITION MAN
We should all do this
We need to see the plan. Think china and social credit score it's coming... crypto and contact tracing is the method of control
I wouldn't mind seeing Judge Dredd mixed in... That would give the cops the power of judge, jury and executioner if y'all ain't familiar
The Rudolph Santa dialogue at the beginning of the new pod 😂😂😂
It definitely makes you realize how little you need to be connected.
You really don’t miss anything. It’s so freeing to turn your phone off or leave it at home
@xBenJamminx we are definitely going- we’ll be recording throughout the day if you want me to send you clips
If any of y'all need some shit talking clips just hit me up.. I'm always ready to #BringThePain
Do y'all think vaccines don't work?
No they dont
They don't stop you from getting covid so no they don't work
Yeah they work. Why do you think that they've designed this giant worldwide hoax just to get you to take them. They work for what they're designed to do. What you should be asking is what exactly are they doing?
This mRNA is something we have never taken its unlike any vaccine we have used before
This giant worldwide hoax has the end goal of acheiving mass vaccination. Why would the cabal take such enormous risk of this plan going awry and waking up the global population to distribute their vaccines? It's certainly not to keep you safe from the flu.