Message from @blue_eyed_patriot 2
Discord ID: 793543482408304671
@xBenJamminx what do you think about McConnell blocking the 2000 stimulus
@xBenJamminx will and rothschild are on twitter slamming Gen flynn and its getting on my nerves
And he had me calling him Daddy?? Wtf
We need some show times and structure back. When are Ben’s, Bob’s and Tommy’s shows? Have they been set up here?
Probably to be expected @WizKhaliba
@DarknessToLight I hate to ruin the flow of information again. I get released in about hour. Thanks for asking
I'm not surprised but wow they want seem to want chaos
My show is listed in the <#791368871650787355> channel
Hey @0666 you block me? Lmao I think your in the wrong group don't you have a manager to call🤣
Am I late on the news that pos Mitch McConnell blocked the $2000 proposal
Thank you, where is the voice part on here I forget?
Who’s surprised at the block? NOT me!!
Or just YouTube?
That sucks! So they are keeping it at $600?
We've moved to streaming shows, the voice chat destroys the app
lags and shuts down with too many ppl in it
Isn't that why we boost?
Isn't that why we boost?
Trump has no one supporting him there!!! NO ONE!! It’s why he had to sign the shitty bill It shouldn’t be a surprise!! They are all a bunch of scrum’.
Disinformation crew here
@Tiffany that’s why we need Trump in there as long as possible. I still can’t wrap my head around a biden/Harris administration
For voice, most of that is the quality of the sound not the capacity of the users unfortunately
Tiff. You need some weed girl
So is bobs show and Tommy’s after dark also on a streaming platform too?
Huh? This entire chat is full of Trump supporters lol
We need them all wiped clean!
I think she was referring to politicians
Bob streams and Tommy will be adapting it in the future but still doing the after dark shows because there's not that many ppl on at that time
I’m talking about the politicians on capital hill
@slugs so happy you are gonna get outta hospital today! Take care and heal fast my friend
Tiff i dm'd you
He has no one supporting him! He signed that bill because he had to!! Not enough people to back him NOT to!
Anyone else miss Tommy? We need a Tommy rant.
Oh sorry I misread that, my apologies @Tiffany
thought it said here
@blue_eyed_patriot 2 hey girl!!!!
this lol
@DarknessToLight hey there! How are you and your kiddo doing?
I'd love to hear Tommy say nothing matters again