Message from @TimmEh
Discord ID: 793569861904236544
Fireworks now spread covid lol
What other chat? @caliireddpill did I trigger you lol
Yah this is literally one of the rules
Man that is gross
@WhiteLightning ⚡ worst is I've seen a vid of a girl wearing one 👀
@caliireddpill I think most are here cause they don't follow rules lol if I did I'd still have a social media people are too sensitive
That’s why most ppl left guilded cuz of that
Lol call the manager
Not everyone is down for that
I am the manager lol
Dude go jack off or something. Get it out of ur system 😂
It's a meme and a good one at that
@caliireddpill it was one meme calm down
Not that funny but just my opinion
@caliireddpill while I think someone needs a sense of humour
A and b
Who has a bigger dick?
A) Wilt Chamberlain
B) Michelle Obama
Small towns make this shit run
Wow we have real sex Nazis lol
Yup we have quite a bit of snow atm
When does the new pricing start for 4deep?
Possibly B 😅
I think we need a new chat lol memes hurt feelings
Anything relevant to report today, or just more blanks?
Is food porn allowe
People need to lighten up
I don’t get offended by things, who cares!! Just enjoy laughing 🙂
That steak is sexy though
They're fleeing?
I'm offended by the memes