Message from @Rock N Roll Lobster
Discord ID: 793591330357903370
Yup two peas in a pot
I've been to both and i would rather be in Montana when it comes to a end of the world or all out war scenario
there is a move to add a smily face badge to mask to signal your views, without having to do the full fuck-you
Guys, I found out ROBOT INTERIORS is actually a critically acclaimed Interior Designer..
there out to be a handshae we can adopt so we know when we meet a comrade
we should sort this all out now before the social credit score makes overt tricky
Hahaha I posted a mask meme earlier didn't go over so well🤷🤣
knew I recognized her from somewhere.
let’s make a triangle with our hands to signal to other 4 Deep state members
UTAHS a fucking rock lol if u had to farm crops its wouldnt be ideal probably not possible
@WizKhaliba facts bro can get a nice ranch in Montana and homestead. Start a compound. 4deepcompound
@Looking Lukas are you making a joke with the adoption of pedo triangle?!
I keep getting calls from Salt Lake, Utah. Someone tryna sell me some land there??
they say you should take it back
@Zo yesss I’m a hugee fly fisherman
we don’t joke here
i can see
@ado hope your right...I'm ready to stand up and fight for my freedoms if no one else will join welll then I'll be in the bush LMFAO
Double jail!
I’m with you man it’s either your with us or against us
I enjoy fly fishing more than regular fishing honestly
It’s really not that hard man. Took me like a week to learn
Fuck yeah after learning how to fly fish the only time I pick up a spin rod is to salt water fish or catfish
Hey if we are surviving it won't be buy fishing with a pole...I have a big net for that
there were too conversations, now fly fishing has won, that cannot happen often
Why not strippers do it lmaoo
I got the fly fish the Kenai river in Alaska while the sockeye were spawning and that was some of the best fishing I've ever done
That pole supports more single moms than baby daddy’s out here now a days lmaoo
lot a firewomen
Damnn that’s badass I’m jealous. I’m looking into taking either a hunting trip or fly fishing trip next year to Alaska.
oh fuQ
he is china! lol
Bill “11”7