Message from @ado
Discord ID: 793589351447265320
definitely would have called you crazy in 2007, veil only lifted in march for me
Welp time to move
Welcome....your just cutting your teeth
Good day ladies and gents - just a friendly reminder antifa and blm are pussy terrorist that you should confront with violence every single day 🙂
small consolation is being right for 13 years. you must actually be insane by now
Actually no there a light at the end of the tunnel
We can live in Utah after honeymooning there it’s all good 😂
ah the vacine
Havent you seen my space rants I’m certifiably mental
Ado it's a lot more insanity not knowing anything with your head in the sand running around in panic
#goldcoastnicole @GoldstarNicole
not yet - just been dipping my toe in occassionally
Phew. Sweet.
I'd go to Montana over utah
Become neighbours with @Natalie💫 haha
Oh yes definitely. Nat would be the best neighbor
2nd is probably effective
I pick neither
i find mask and head in sand is common
Yup two peas in a pot
I've been to both and i would rather be in Montana when it comes to a end of the world or all out war scenario
there is a move to add a smily face badge to mask to signal your views, without having to do the full fuck-you
Guys, I found out ROBOT INTERIORS is actually a critically acclaimed Interior Designer..
there out to be a handshae we can adopt so we know when we meet a comrade
we should sort this all out now before the social credit score makes overt tricky
Hahaha I posted a mask meme earlier didn't go over so well🤷🤣
knew I recognized her from somewhere.
let’s make a triangle with our hands to signal to other 4 Deep state members
UTAHS a fucking rock lol if u had to farm crops its wouldnt be ideal probably not possible
@WizKhaliba facts bro can get a nice ranch in Montana and homestead. Start a compound. 4deepcompound
@Looking Lukas are you making a joke with the adoption of pedo triangle?!
I keep getting calls from Salt Lake, Utah. Someone tryna sell me some land there??
they say you should take it back
@Zo yesss I’m a hugee fly fisherman