Message from @vlynnQ
Discord ID: 794692304148496407
1/6 is more important than ever since they have this waiting behind the political curtain.
How can we trust Lin Wood
@jack allen Mic served under Gen Flynn, and Flynn was one of the guys who babysit mic as a kid- I talk about it on Janet’s most recent pod. Flynn is a true patriot.
@KYChristian I don’t trust anyone (except Mic) but Lin Wood is an accomplished libel lawyer. I trust that he knows the law and wouldn’t say such things without evidence. Check out my telegram channel- I break it down.
@vlynnQ didn't he call for martial law a little while back tho?
im not saying you are wrong. i just don't think anyone is a "true patriot" until they lessen the power of the federal government. it was never meant to wield this much power
@jack allen that’s fake news. He’s has talked about the possible necessity of martial law to clean this shit up. But the report that Maggie Haversham put out in regards to the Oval Office meeting where he supposedly encouraged the president to declare martial law was debunked by Pat Byrne who was also in that meeting.
@jack allen we’ll talk to Flynn on Tuesday in DC and I’ll feel him out for myself.
@vlynnQ maybe man! i just thought he tweeted it. i just don't trust any of them. until someone does the actual right thing, meaning they lose power, i won't believe them. but i do hope you are right!!!!
Tell him we said 'Hey'.
Martial law and armed insurrection in the streets may be a foregone conclusion at this point, but we are going everything we can to prevent it without giving up our freedoms and our country. Trust me, you do not want mic and friends hunting in the streets of your hometown.
whats mic
And that is exactly why we are starting a new political party, of the people, by the people, for the people. The elites should not rule us- we let them.
No doubt. Don’t want that at all
@jack allen mic is my husband. Retired special forces, delta sniper, all around bad ass
Listen to Deplorable Nations most recent podcast where I tell our story. I'm listening to Deplorable Nation | Deplorable Nation Ep 26 Never Broken on Podbean, check it out!
I like my husband to stay safe at home. But if stuff went down, I know he would be out there.
We also have our own podcast where we reveal info no one else has and talk about the Patriot party.
The Patriot Party, please check it out.
oh very cool!
@jack allen if you’re a Q follower, we reveal what the Q dates mean in our second episode. There are 4 so far (not including where I was Janet’s guest) and we’ll drop a new one tonight.
Alas, I am not! but I hope you are right!
@kytitan I like mine at home too- but I know he’ll be leading the charge to save us. So I made him teach me to shoot and fight so I can be at his side. My parents are physically close enough to take care of our children. I will not leave Mics side again!
@jack allen that’s okay- you were obviously red pilled another way. Q was meant for the sheeple just waking up. Now that time is passed/ either you’re awake or you’re not going to. Which is why Q is currently quiet in his previous manifestation of knowledge.
Yea I will have to be home with my little ones. I am a decent shot though, if it ever comes to that
what do you think will happen w/ the election?
i love the confidence though!
Hopefully it won’t
@jack allen read my telegram thread. I’m still working on it- there’s a lot in my head that I still need to get out- but there’s a lot laid out already.
I don't have telegram! so basically do you think that trump will be president for another term tho?
Absolutely. The only way he doesn’t is if they assassinate him.
damn! mic drop!
Who’s going to DC on Jan 6 in here?
@jack allen assassination is a remote possibility. He is the most protected president in history. They have circled the wagons and closed ranks. There are only a couple more snakes in the den and they know exactly who they are.
I got to admit. We need to see some damning news soon. 19 days.
@Rob G we see more and more damning news every day. You just need to look in the right place.
@vlynnQ damn! so if hes not assasinated, he becomes president ?! that is a big prediction!
Yeah that’s fucked ^