Message from @ben’s og crew
Discord ID: 794977223476117564
Huge one
It’s all distraction.
Yup I saw her tweets. She sounded like she had TDS.
Could be a mole
All the tweets from Lin, the responses from Jenna, the drama... it’s all part of the show
@ben’s og crew let’s hope she changed. I’m all for forgiveness
Politicians rarely change, look at graham, he is a cuck
They are all just like Charlie Baker
Politicians are different 😂 I barely trust Rand Paul at this point
CIA said new beginnings on 1/4
That picture of trump is office with a subliminal picture in it looked like anonymous, anyone else see that or think that?
Lot of things happening on 1/4
Trump also attending rally for Georgia on 1/4
You know what’s wild though, the amount of relevance that continues popping up with Q
How is Q still credible in any way still? Not tryna bash just generally curious
Feels like it should’ve died off awhile ago
Put Cruz in Roberts spot
@DelDel305 Q served his purpose. He has been quiet as Q recently because if you’re not already woke, it’s too late. He may resurface again in the future if need be. Realize that all Q posts were time sensitive. We actually use his last post as the music for our podcast.
Relevance. Same subjects from years ago are applied today very specifically
@DelDel305 @Rob G you just have to decode the Q dates and then you see exactly what it relevant to today and what is not. We explain how to decode the Q dates in our second podcast: the Patriot Party: Mic is no longer a Negative Nancy!!!, please check it out.
Who lives in Ohio
so 1003 is today? hahahahah amazing
@Mech I don’t have a Julian calendar in front of me- I can’t decode them on sight like mic can. He’s the one that figured it out, right from the beginning.
I see whats going on with all this crazy shit happening. But I personally still can’t Invest my belief into the Q stuff
But I’ll check out the pod
If that list is true, no Perdue or Loeffler
The RINOs commin out of the works more
Word, I feel like it’s purpose was to inform and get you to ask questions so you’d search for answers
@DelDel305 Q is past. Look at the now and the future. There’s lots of great info in our pods, Q is a short segment. We followed Q from the beginning but never worshiped him- I hate that.
@Rob G that’s exactly correct. That’s exactly what Q was trying to accomplish
All that I know is that I know nothing.
But everything was coded, so a lot of people didn’t understand
Same . Who knows after Jan 20th they just might unplug us all from this simulation