Message from @ben’s og crew
Discord ID: 794975100901916692
We dropped a new pod last night- check it out! The Patriot Party: What If?, please check it out.
Don’t think Trump would lose without some drastic thing happening. Honestly we are wasting time trying to guess. Grab a seat, light a blunt, and watch it play out cause we really don’t know shit
I’ve also started a telegram channel where I put together all the puzzle pieces I’ve been compiling.. want to know what’s going to happen on Jan 6? Read it!
Pretty sure that’s Jean luc Brunel
you are the first podcast i ever listen to, you guys are awesome
@ben’s og crew he also got arrested in Paris about a week ago. He’s right up there with Epstein and human trafficking.
When Trump starts acting like he’s leaving the White House I’ll be worried, until then, we haven’t seen the last of his cards
Thanks! Have you heard Janet’s most recent episode of Deplorable Nation? I finally tell our story.. it’s wild. I'm listening to Deplorable Nation | Deplorable Nation Ep 26 Never Broken on Podbean, check it out!
I want to know why Jenna is up Lin’s ass if this is all true
Stir up a fight, get the trolls attention, SLAM em with the facts when you got it
@ben’s og crew I think Jenna is one of those cunty bitches who changes her colors based on her own interests.
Wasn’t Jenna Ellis a never trumper 2016?
That’s why I take her with a grain of salt
For sure, defending Pence too 🤔🤔
@ben’s og crew but at the same time, Trump can’t be seen right now to support publicly calling Roberts and Pence traitors. Lin is foreshadowing, Trump is playing chess. And there’s a reason he used Jenna for that
Because she doesn't want to be associated with public threats against a sitting VP, I'm guessing. Even if what Lin is saying is true, it's not a good look for Trump's legal team to be associated with that, obviously.
Agree, he cannot put himself with these accusations. It’ll honestly disrupt and discredit it even more. Trump not saying anything leaves speculation in the air
It’s all distraction.
Yup I saw her tweets. She sounded like she had TDS.
Could be a mole
All the tweets from Lin, the responses from Jenna, the drama... it’s all part of the show
@ben’s og crew let’s hope she changed. I’m all for forgiveness
Politicians rarely change, look at graham, he is a cuck
They are all just like Charlie Baker
Politicians are different 😂 I barely trust Rand Paul at this point
CIA said new beginnings on 1/4
That picture of trump is office with a subliminal picture in it looked like anonymous, anyone else see that or think that?
Lot of things happening on 1/4
Trump also attending rally for Georgia on 1/4
You know what’s wild though, the amount of relevance that continues popping up with Q
How is Q still credible in any way still? Not tryna bash just generally curious
Feels like it should’ve died off awhile ago
Libs should of went after the q angle a lot more during the campaign trail, strange they didn’t