Message from @UserFriendly
Discord ID: 795174450139365397
Look for the upside down Christmas tree reticle
I have to get the actual name of it don't remember
But that's a good start
Thanks, I just wasted 5 minutes searching for what you were talking about
That is higher than giraffe ass!
And it's not upside down🤣
Yes not the best one either. Sorry did a quick serch
I paid 1500 but I got the rmr also
I got 1 EOTech and a handful of Vortex Spartans. All good in my opinion
Should be under 1000$
Upside down Christmas tree helps with ranging your target though
But if you're that close who gives a s***
I'm saving up for a new Thermal
I could only afford one
Nice thermal great investment
We got pigs and coyotes out the ass. It's a fucking blast
Nice reflective vest😂
That's America AF bro
Lol cheap camo pack nockoff
I gotta bounce, the wife is giving me stank eye
I bought two cheap used camel packs from a small town monthly sale doh
Have a great night Hope you get lucky
Lol but you're married so there's that
Political plague
They will get blamed for it
We have known they cheated since nov 4. But what will we do?
I guess we’ll see on the 6th
4 years of peace....And let the war mongering begin...