Message from @UserFriendly
Discord ID: 795172112117399572
Fucking joke, geezus mane
Won’t matter if the votes don’t count
It's got too much heavy metals in it you go crazy eventually five to seven year life expectancy
Watching breaking bad got me thinking I can cook meth
i dont get the joke 😕
Wear a mask
Here is where I got my mask
like a libtart
TX GOP leader Lt. Col Allen West is a badass, even though the GOP sucks
I fill like getting gassed today
20 year cbrn filter
Frosty as fuck
acog aurora
Anybody else get gassed in basic?
Look for the upside down Christmas tree reticle
I have to get the actual name of it don't remember
Thanks, I just wasted 5 minutes searching for what you were talking about
That is higher than giraffe ass!
And it's not upside down🤣
Yes not the best one either. Sorry did a quick serch
I paid 1500 but I got the rmr also
I got 1 EOTech and a handful of Vortex Spartans. All good in my opinion
Should be under 1000$
Upside down Christmas tree helps with ranging your target though
But if you're that close who gives a s***
I'm saving up for a new Thermal
I could only afford one
Nice thermal great investment
We got pigs and coyotes out the ass. It's a fucking blast
Here is a pic of a few of my toys. I am already on ever list I don't give a shit
Nice reflective vest😂