Message from @Operation17
Discord ID: 795692343607951370
A lil far fetched for muah but then again who knows I don’t see proof about it being fake either
Pedo world
Crashing down
It’s a lot far fetched for everyone. Doesn’t mean it ain’t true
I thought the lizard race underground was absolutely retarded the first 20 times I heard it, then it clicked and became part of the only thing that makes sense to me.
Bacteria was far fetched when it was discovered to. So we’re gorillas. And gravity
Gravity is still an unproven theory. Like herd immunity.
And sars-cov-2
man it sure feels like Nashville bombing was ages ago
Good morning family!
Hows he gonna release it? Its a crime to release anything of that nature with children. Fbi isnt to be trusted either.
Hey you! You on your way to DC?
lin wood's twitter is no longer on 1st page of google search
When was "conspiracy theorist" put in his profile? In the last couple weeks?
It’s a badge of honor, sir!
They are using the phrase against us!
Slack servers are down
That's not Lin's twitter, so yes Lin's twitter is no longer on Google search first page
Edit: nvm I see it's still there too
Those Lin Wood tweets last night had me worried this AM that I needed to practice my aim again
It linked to it, and his tweets from last night. I’m not on Twitter myself so I really don’t know.
I love synchronicity! I was reading the lin wood tweets in here this morning. And then my mom started texting me about it. Then i left my house to pick up a chair I bought on FB marketplace. I had to go to St. Paul to get it. The route my map took me started to look familiar and I realized I was passing a playground i used to bring my son to when I lived in St. Paul. The name of which I wasn’t familiar so I looked at the sign lol
for me he is not on first page at all
Yeah nvm I still see it too
@Budjola it was the same for me a few mins ago, but now when I search him it's up 👀
At least they give you politico
shadow banning at its finest
Seriously!! Where will the next clue come from. Lol
Guys cdc said masks are dumb, I bet government officials will rush to inform us of this information!
Been showing that to people since March, but the experts say wear a mask so it does no good 🤷🏻♂️
Yes sir. At the airport mask hell as we speak