Message from @TRUMPWONUMAD?💥
Discord ID: 795680725835579402
I also read some of lin wood’s other tweets saying lizard squad is involved and has the evidence too
Lizard Squad is so 2014
Lin’s smoking that hunter crack
Lizard Squad sounds like the most elementary “no girls allowed” club ever. Hope they are more legit than their name.
Lizards may be important than you realize in all of this.
How so
Yeah, I saw the twitter sphere connection saying lizard squad’s DDOS attacks to take down PS network and Xbox live was to get sex trafficking chat rooms
Let’s hope it’s not Hillary and the Queen.
For anyone asking the question of why kappy, a d-list stoner actor. That lizard squad hack happened post him calling out certain celebrities
so, that’s what Twitter is saying, kinda out there, I’m open to the idea, but I’m not jumping on that boat until there is something hard to stand on
He was trusted cause he was letting this knowledge come to light, also a reason why he was killed
Research underground lizard people and DUMBS. I’m fascinated much more by what has yet to be proven false than by what has already been proven true.
Tom hanks
Yalll light yrs behind
Oh I’m aware of all that.
I wanna see schiff hanging by his uncircumcised pencil dick
He likes little boys
A lil far fetched for muah but then again who knows I don’t see proof about it being fake either
Crashing down
It’s a lot far fetched for everyone. Doesn’t mean it ain’t true
I thought the lizard race underground was absolutely retarded the first 20 times I heard it, then it clicked and became part of the only thing that makes sense to me.
Bacteria was far fetched when it was discovered to. So we’re gorillas. And gravity
Gravity is still an unproven theory. Like herd immunity.
And sars-cov-2
man it sure feels like Nashville bombing was ages ago
Good morning family!
Hows he gonna release it? Its a crime to release anything of that nature with children. Fbi isnt to be trusted either.
Hey you! You on your way to DC?
lin wood's twitter is no longer on 1st page of google search
When was "conspiracy theorist" put in his profile? In the last couple weeks?
It’s a badge of honor, sir!
Sure is
They are using the phrase against us!