Message from @imaman
Discord ID: 795905373969711124
My daughter and her friends get stupid on that shit. Trip.
Alright, let's get an 8 ball
Don’t. It’s not worth it.
You look like you fuck @Chelsea Baby I’m surprised you don’t
Don’t give in 🤣
Spiked static in a can lol
Good just taking all this in lmao
Cocaine is just so great
Red Bull and vodka
thats true
Stick to Vodka
Your on Pinterest?
Cocaine is a hell of a drug
Its cause there's so much fucking sugar
Tequila sunrises 👀
like doin a couple straighteners
Hahaha sounds great
i’m always mean when i drink white claw
i do some but not drunk on tequilla
Damnnnn Tommy
Hahaha somebody told @blue_eyed_patriot 2 too
Yikes no thanks on the white claw
White claw been compromised
and it goes down so easy
Booger sugar. Amirite tommyg???
alright folks... i love all of ya... ive got fights to watch... get ahold of me if ya need me.
No fun @Chelsea Baby
there got to be cocaine or meth
Give that bitch some Zima
Omg lol
Take care, Jeff.
Cocaine is keto
Such a good song
Sounds terrible...
Like four locos?
those are loco